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Sample Letter



To: Members of the Assembly Consumer Protection Committee and Assembly
Health Committee

Dear Assembly Member _________,

I am your constituent (if applicable) and a member of NASW (if applicable).

I am writing regarding SB-288 which would eliminate the oral examination as a
condition for California social work licensure and would retain the current, nationally-recognized AASSWB written examination.

SB-288 is non-partisan legislation as evidenced by its having passed through the full
State Senate by a vote of 31-3. In addition, after hearing testimony from both sides,
on March 17, 1998, the Joint Legislative Sunset Review Committee voted 5-1 to
eliminate the oral exam as a condition for social work licensure by January 1,

Failure to pass SB-288 will result in California being the only state in the United
States which continues to require an oral examination for social work licensure
as well as the only state which does not accept the nationally-recognized
AASSWB written examination.

The pass rate on the current oral exam has never exceeded 40 percent which
demonstrates that this is a subjective, arbitrary, and unreliable means of assessing
social work competency. The BBS admits that its examiner pairs fail to agree between
themselves 18 percent of the time, further demonstrating the subjectivity of the oral
exam. In addition, the BBS has provided no justification or evidence to support its
decision to substitute a "California" written examination for the current AASSWB written

Passage of SB-288 will have a positive effect on the citizens of California who are the
recipients of social work services by enhancing their ability to obtain the social work
services they need.

I urge you to vote in support of SB-288 when it comes before your committee.


Your name and address


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new01.gif (1433 bytes)Talking Points with Legislators

new01.gif (1433 bytes)NASW-CA's Information:  Fact or Fiction?

Discussion of MFCC comparison and oral exam flaws

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NASW-CA's "PROGRESS" in working with the BBS to "fix" the oral exam

Actual Bill Text

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