Blue's Clues Baby Bear

A wonderful lady on an e-mail list I'm on did Blue and Magenta with punches. That left me looking at the other characters. For this bear I punched 2 jumbo circles, 2 half-inch circles, 3 small eggs and 2 birch leaves in light brown. Also, I did one small oval in light brown. Trim the first circle to make the indentation for the mouth and so it narrows at the top of the head. Glue the 2 small circles to the head as ears and 1 small egg to the bottom for the mouth. (I drew the black line on before I glued the mouth together.) Take the second jumbo circle and flatten out the bottom; glue it to the head with the flattened bottom away from the head. Then cut 2 puffy L's from the 2 other small eggs and and glue them to the bottom circle for the feet. I freehand cut the arms from the birch leaves to make them more even. Then I trimmed the nose into shape and glued it on. I drew in the eyes with a white opaque pen first, then outlined them and added pupils. I like it a lot and I know my son did. Even my 2 year old yelled "A Clue! A Clue!"

Spiral Flower

This is a very simple flower. I punched 5 half-inch circles in yellow and 1 in pink and 5 pink spirals. I glued the spirals on the yellow circles. They overhang a little, but I tried to put them on evenly. The extra tails of the spirals all go to the center where they are hidden by the pink half-inch circle. I think a few birch leaves would be very nice under it.

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