Sega M.E.A.T ! We Play'em to the Bone !

You have reached the Home page of Sega M.E.A.T. currently under new construction and organizations. We are Temperarely shut down.And Rebuilding.

Here are the section's of Sega M.E.A.T !

Current Members of Sega M.E.A.T Proud And Confident Ready For Battle.

This section contain's a Huge list of some Dreamcast Compatible On-line games and fun links, Also showing the current DC on-line games and which Mercenaries are playing them..

Here is a list of on-line competetive clans Put together By Dr.Claw [Gamerz].

Here are the current match results for our on-line gaming competition.

If you want to Join this Kick ass Armada contact DreaMcaster at the Sega M.E.A.T HQ. Use The Join Button.

This is the sega M.E.A.T chat room set up in the undernet for meetings and help or if you just want to have fun chatting with the Team.

Sega GT 60 fps steady Pure Realizm Smooth as a Dream..