These   Are   The   Quotes   From...

" ...are we taking this paranoid android with us?"
                       - The Hitchhiker's Guide To the Galaxy

"You do it to yourself you do,
and that's what really hurts"

"The most essential thing in life is to establish a
              heartfelt communication with others"- Thom Yorke.

"If you give up on me now, 
  I'll be gutted like I've never been before"

"... now we are one
in everlasting peace ..."

	if you don't have a clue about life
 		then i'm happy to say
		neither have i

"i'm just dramatically, supernaturally, non-sexual"
		-- morrissey

"So many words that I, that I can never find"-Rh

"Even a thought, even a possibility, can shatter
us and transform us"-Nietzsche

Untitled from Greem by REM  - "hold her and keep him strong"

Let Down   - "don't get sentimental, it always ends up drivel"

"Limb by limb and tooth by tooth, tearing up inside of me...everyday and
everyhour, I wish that I was bullet proof."  - thom yorke.

"im only happy when it rains"-shirley manson

"Cork, why do you always look like a bloody tramp?" - My head of year. I'm
happy now. I feel rebellious again.

"...and bronx's best apostle stands with his hand on his own hardware"-
the BOSS "lost in the flood"

If God exists there is an 85% chance that he would destroy all midgets.

Today is the last
    day         that I am using words
  theyve gone out                 lost their
meaning       dont function anymore
          lets get
unconscious                 honey
      lets get unconscious...

What matters is not necessarily the size of the dog in the fight -
it's the size of the fight in the dog.
--Dwight D. Eisenhower

"Not any more. It's bad for you"
   - Thom Yorke, so-called champion grudge-bearer.

"I don't want to spend the rest of my days running around 
       chasing your shadow. So please don't let this chance
 slip away, if you've wasted this time I won't be here tomorrow" 
              - Hurricane #1, Step Into My World.

    "The best thing that you ever had has gone away"
            - Radiohead, High and Dry.

"I couldn't see a singLe soul in the audience for the 
             wHole of that show. I wanna sEE them!"
         - Thom Yorke getting pissed off at Glasto '97.

today is the last day
that Im using words
theyve gone out, lost their meaning
how can they show how I feel...

by: Jack Gilbert
When I hear men boast about how passionate
they are, I think of the two cleaning ladies
at the second-story window watching a man
coming back from a party where there was
lots of free beer. He runs in and out
of buildings looking for a toilet. "My Lord,"
the tall woman says, "that fellow down there
surely does love architecture."

> Up above aliens hover making home movies for the folks back home
> of all these weird creatures who lock up their spirits drill holes in
> themselves
> and live for their secrets
> they're all uptight       -     Radiohead

"i'd tell all my friends but they'd never believe me. they'd think that i'd
finally lost it completely."
		-- radiohead

"Listen. Strange women lying in ponds distributing swords is no basis for a
system of government. Supreme executive power derives from a mandate from
the masses, not from some farcical aquatic ceremony." 
- Monty Python and the Holy Grail.

"so far away from me, so far i just cant see, so far away from me, youre
so far away from me"-dire straits

"i hope that someday he can bend as far as it takes to understand and risk
breaking open again"
		-ani saw your life as a series of complicated dance steps...

If you cut your heart,
  it heals without scar tissue

"walking on water wasn't built in a day"
	      *jack kerouac*

The robbers?  I hope their next shit is a porcupine.

- -----------------------------------------------------------
we are all part of one beautiful seamless oneness -t.e.y
- -----------------------------------------------------------

"I'm no fucking Buddhist,  but this is enlightenment"

I wear my own crown and sadness and sorrow
And who'd have thought tomorrow could be so strange?

"i need to go wash my brain"-THOM

"i had a great childhood, thanks. it's my adult
life that's screwing me around."

"lewis, save yourself the pain, you'll never get there..." --radiohead

             Phew, for a minute there I lost myself. 

i imagine what my body would sound like
slamming against those rocks
and when it lands - will my eyes be closed or open?

People should listen to old music one day a year.  The other 364 days
they should listen to new music.  People are far too nostalgic and
escapist....They haven't got the courage to face what is going on now.

"this is not really me at all, stunt girl dancing twirls watch me fall,
carbon copy same body different hearts, can't tell anymore the real
- sleater-kinney

"The only people for me are the mad ones, the ones who are mad to live, 
mad to talk, 
desirous of everything at the same time, 
the ones who never yawn or say a commonplace thing, but burn, 
burn like the fabulous yellow roman candles expoding like spiders across the stars 
and in the middle you see the blue centerlight pop and 
everybody goes 'Awwww!'"
          ---jack kerouac, "On the Road"

The principality of the sky lightens now, over our green
hill, into spring morning larked and crowed and belling.
						--Dylan Thomas, Under Milk Wood

"i was feelin might not love me anymore" John Lennon

"i'm trying to find my way home. and i'm sorry. and i miss you."
		-- slint "good morning, captain"

"somebody's always telling me just how a women's supposed to be..."
-tina and the b-side movement

"Radiohead are so good they scare me"
              --Michael Stipe

The preceding snippets make me dance a weary dance

"No, don't move...You'd better be prepared for the jump
    to hyperspace. It's unpleasantly like being drunk." 
"What's so unpleasant about being drunk?"
            "You ask a glass of water."

"nah jamie dont start that shit.....keep your head up"- ghostface killah
of wu-tang clan

"the sun's never brighter than when it's shining of snow"
-tanya donelly

Rocket powered and nailed to the ground.
- --Beck, "Bogusflow"

                             - "Polyethylene" by: RADIOHEAD

I didn't get kicked around as a kid.  Sorry to disappoint.
				-Thom Yorke

- --
'am i sexual?'-backdoor boys.

- ---

She said that she'd love to come help us
But the sea would electrocute us all

- --		       --
We are the ashes of stars
- --		       --

*I can see the music! - Lisa Simpson*

"I want to go on a mountain-top   |
|   with a radio & good batteries   |
|   play a joyous tune & free the   |
|   human race from suffering"     |
|                           -bjork

- --------------------

tears of joy and carasels and
all that you wanna be just got paid and
now you're going out on saturday(?)
if i get scared i'll just call you

so sell your suit and tie and come and live with me.
leukemia, schizophrenia, polyethylene
there is no significant risk to your health
she used to be beautiful once as well

plastic bag, middle class, polyethylene
decaffinate(d) unleaded keep all surfaces clean
if you don't believe me, sell your soul
if you don't get into it, no one will

- --

one day i am gonna grow wings,
a chemical reaction, hysterical and useless.

"strangers are exciting their mystery never ends but there's nothing like 
looking at your own history in the faces of your friends"

    |"You can laugh.                             		   |
    |A spineless laugh.                           		   | 
    |We hope that your rules and wisdom choke you.|
    |Now we are one in everlasting peace.                 | 
    |We hope that you choke that you choke.       	   |
    |We hope that you choke that you choke."      	   |	
    |  - Thom Yorke, Radiohead

Life is everything and nothing all at once.

'this machine will not communicate the thoughts and the strain i am under'

"i've had more than can be my rightful share of nights i can't bear"

"i wonder if everything i do i do instead of
something i want to do more" -ani

"'you're not the real santa.' 'sure i am, wanna see my gun?'"
		--detective bullock, "the new batman/superman adventures"

You want me? fuckin' then come and find me. i'll be waiting, with a gun
 and a pack of sandwiches of nothing. of nothing. of nothing. of nothing
- radiohead - talk show host

"Proliferation of symbolic rebellion in association with a peer group is
 essentially about the surrender of individual freedom. It's the absence of
    even a projected desire to express one's own private personal vision"

"In the slipstream of thoughtless thoughts"

"How come out of all the people in the world,
	only one can make me complete..." Bjork.

"I'm only into this to enjoy"                    *
*   	      *	      	                                  "Bjork

I'm not afraid of being taken over by computers, though... because they're
totally defenseless.  All we need are more people with hammers.
				-Thom Yorke

"immerse yourself in apathy -- ignorance is easy and you get it for free"
		--the au pairs

"whatever i say, i really don't want to change a thing, i want to stay this
way forever"
		-- blur

"i will live my life as i will undoubtedly die -- alone"
		-- morrissey

...and soon the summer is ending, already
the leaves turning, always the sick trees
going first, the dying turning 
brilliant yellow, while a few dark birds perform
their curfew of music.
					--Louise Glück, "Matins"

"If I hadn't seen such riches i could live with being poor...
Oh sit down... next to me... Sit down in sympathy"


no bullets...nothing can touch me

"mom, romance is dead.  it was acquired in a hostile takeover bid by
hallmark and disney, homogenized, and sold off piece by piece." --lisa

Jump out of bed as soon as you hear the alarm clock!!
You may  find it useful spending five minutes each
morning saying  to yourself,  "Every day in  every
way I am getting better and better." Perhaps it is
a good idea  to start a new day in the right frame
of mind.

"Lets render....Never!"

If I get one more person who comes to me and complain about
 that computer music has no soul I will be furious!  [Bjork]

Today has never happened, and it doesn't frighten me.

"Lay down your lucky hand upon her heart"  -Sonic Youth


You can't say no to hope, can't say no to happiness.

"I’d happily talk about nothing"-johnny greenwood

eternal life is now on my trail -Jeff Buckley

i wrapped you inside my coat, when they 
came to fire upon the house- radiohead

the thing with America, is that its full of Americans.  its like visiting
 the Sistine chapel, and finding that Paul daniels lives there  - room 101

"Keeping the population down"

...and true love waits, it haunted all our days...

"did you learn to read minds?
         in the case of mine, do you read in the dark?"
                    --grant lee buffalo--

baby, instant soup doesn't really grab me. today i need something more 
substantial. a can of beans or blackeyed peas, some nescafe and ice,
a candy bar, a falling star or a reading from Dr. Seuss. - Michael Stipe

He loves his car, he hates his wife           - Cameron (Alan Ruck)

I'm not afraid of being taken over by computers, though... because they're
 totally defenseless.  All we need are more people with hammers.
 				-Thom Yorke

"I still remember what I saw when I was four..
You.. the chauffeur.. the bucket of fish.."

The optimist thinks this is the best of all possible places, 
the pessimist knows it ...                                 Oppenheimer

Imagine the future - Woke up with a scream
I was buying some feelings from a vending machine
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~The Verve

'Do I have a word for my fans?  Pink.'  -  Thom Yorke

i get on the train and i just stand about 
	now that i don't think of you
i keep falling over. i keep pasing out
	when i see a face like you
what am i coming to?
	i'm gONNA MELT Down.
			R A D I O H E A D

" Some people think that it's great to be rich
  To be cool and keep up with the trends
  But riches and looks just don't matter at all
  Cos what really counts is your friends "

"I'm living in the weirdest dream
Where nothing is the way it seems
Where no one's who they need to be
Where nothing seems that real to me
What can we build our lives upon
No wall of stone, no solid ground
The world is spinning endlessly
We're clinging to our own beliefs"
		-James, "Born of Frustration"

                                       =  =
                                     {&  &}

"I threw stones at the condemned and now I'm slated".

I wish it couldn't be a story
The words all left me, Lifeless, Hoping
 Breathing like the drowning man -the cure

"In A Station Of The Metro"

                 The apparition of these faces in the crowd;
                 Petals on a wet, black bough.

                            --Ezra Pound

"If I was happy, I'd be in a fucking car advert."
			-Thom Yorke

"I don't want to go on-line.  I've waited on line.  I've been in lines.  
I'm not interested in going on-line."
						---Jerry Seinfeld

Jared S. Hosid  - The George Washington University
"The face of a child can say it all,
 especially the mouth part of the face."

"My first inclination is to become a monk and leave this situation."

"I'm a member of an ape-like race 
At the asshole end of the twentieth century
This film's a thriller of the mind".
n James

Every man's life ends the same way.
             It is only the details of how he lived
               and how he died that distinguish one man
               from another.
n Ernest Hemingway, in "Sunday Times", 1966

floating upon the surf is for the birds. -radiohead

take your time to kill me with love

Oxygen should be regarded as a drug.

Here are the young men,
the weight on their shoulders,
Here are the young men,
well where have they been?
                                   Decades -- Joy Division

"I shaved every place where you been"
	-Tori Amos 'Blood Roses'

"Data enjoys a lot of confusion, Jean-Luc." - Deanna

"Where are the cowboys? I was promised cowboys!" - Bashir


"In theory, there is no difference between  theory
and practice. In practice, there is a big difference."

gravity always win...

"A friend is the one who comes in when the whole world has gone out."

iRrEguLarLY ScHEdulED hALLucCINatIOn

launching myself through the plateglass window i hurtled downward

I am flat out
            you're so beautiful to look at when you cry "freeze, don't move,
            you've been chosen as an extra in the movie adaptation
            of the sequel to your life"
                          --"shady lane," pavement

"A Kid rules, is powerful, energetic,
takes action, outgrew whining and moaning and moping but never grew up
enough to be a materialist. Kids RULE."
						-tom warmbroadt
					         galactic champion

"much as i definitely enjoy solitude
i wouldn't mind perhaps spending little time with you

"A fanatic is one who can't change his mind and won't change the
subject."-Sir Winston Churchill

As the great philospher Penfold once said:
' Oooo Carrots! '

A man said to the universe,
             "Sir, I exist!"
             "However," replied the universe,
             "That fact has not created in me
              A sense of obligation."
                        --Stephen Crane

"The most intelligent people are always the ones that are flamed"

"A Kid rules, is powerful, energetic,
takes action, outgrew whining and moaning and moping but never grew up
enough to be a materialist. Kids RULE."
						-tom warmbroadt
					         galactic champion

"I adore back of necks beautifully shaven.
	Gives me always, a pretty rush down my spine."
						-Bjork; My Spine

"I washed my landlord. He was covered in gravy."
n Einar; Shoot Him

*----you're so curiously pure---------*
*--------only before you I'm humble---*

"i can breathe through this mask like a fool , so breathe on little sister
breathe on"
---beth gibbons

Squirt guns don't squirt people . . . kids do.

"This day is for living your own life
Don't let this world capture your heart
Your passion lost to a thousand themes
Surrendered to the screen"

"When one absolutely commits oneself, then Providence moves also."

flowers are pretty to attract buggies.
humans don't like buggies.
does that mean that we're ugly?

    - b. schnitzel

"Heedless of the homage of the world,
she drugs herself each night with cries of pain
that rend the skies above her empty shores"
Les Fleurs du Mal

     \ /

"It's nice to start journeys pleasantly,
even when you know they won't end that way."
	Robert Pirsig

And in the words of the great Mary Chen (or was it Owen?),
Fuck you all and goodbye.

Here are the young men,
the weight on their shoulders,
Here are the young men,
well where have they been?
                                   Decades -- Joy Division
"I adore back of necks beautifully shaven.
	Gives me always, a pretty rush down my spine."
						-Bjork; My Spine

"Since I can never see your face,
And never shake you by the hand,
I send my soul through time and space
To greet you. You will understand"-James Elroy Flecker

"whiplash cuaght the silver sun, took the film to number one."

"He said the sun came out last night,
he says it sang to him."

Be nice to goats.

--"If pain makes me strong, then how much stronger...?"—

"In Hell i'll be lost in the lairs of weakness"

"I want to be the song, be the song that you hear in your head."
n from "Discotheque" by U2

"I smoke cos I'm hoping for an early death
                The Smiths

With a frown I hear a voice
"You must learn to stand up for yourself
Cause I won't always be around"
He says:
"When you gonna make up your mind?
When you gonna love you as much as I do?
When you gonna make up your mind?
Cause things are gonna CHANGE so fast
All the white horses are still in bed
I tell you that I'll always want you near
You say that things change
My dear"
--Tori Amos

**"Hard of hearing?  Try listening."**
					-Shitsu Tonka, "D.A.A.S Kapital"

Choose your future
             Choose life
                 But why would I want to do a thing like that?
                    wordS.bY.tHeTrAiNsPoTtEr ID:A 285
  i WiLL WillL yOu

   FREEDOM IS SLAVERY                   -George Orwell,
 IGNORANCE IS STRENGTH           "Nineteen Eighty Four"

"I like too many things and get confused and hung up
running from one falling star to another till I drop.
This is the night, what it does to you.  I had nothing
to offer anybody except my own confusion." ~Jack Kerouac

The banks they're like cathedrals
I guess the casinos took their place

"Make me a pantsuit that's made in Japan - somebody loves me, I
know who they am."
-Steven Page of the Barenaked Ladies in "Somebody"

"Turned up, clocked on, laid off" - Half Man Half Biscuit

"There's an old saying about the eyes of the beholder, and how they may 
 need new glasses.  Think about it.  You spend so much of your life 
 gripping a disc, only to later discover that it had been the other way 
 around all along."

I have always thought that ritual, religious experience and group elation
were valuable experiences missing from our sterile society, and I can
believe that raves fill the void.  They provide a richness lacking in
normal life.
--Nicholas Saunders

"Whatever interests, is interesting."
                      Wm. Hazlitt