If you would like to play Final Fantasy 5 in English totally free of charge click here
this is the fine print I have to have this here or I could get sued or something like that this game is the property of Squaresof I did not make it and I take no credit for it If you do not own the snes version of this game it is illegal for you to have it in your possesion but who gives a damn like they're going to come to your house and search your computer right??? it's safe don't worry about it

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I have used several HTML commands that netscape browsers DO NOT recognize a good example of how netscape will not work on this site is that my no frames page will be cut in half leaving the bottom half(the one with all the links to the rest of the site) off. and on the frames page it only loads up half of the menu frame. to avoid these problems get rid of netscape it sucks it sucks beyond belief who gives a damn if the came up with HTML if they can't make a decent browser . so don't e-mail me and whine about it. e-mail netscape and whine about it. you can download microsoft internet explorer at www.microsoft.com I do not like Microsoft and I do not enjoy advertising for them but over the alternative (netscape) i'll take it any day.

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Can you believe that people would choose this

as thier favorite character over


Gee i always thought cloud was a little wimpy but . . .

I wonder what they did to him in that glass tank thingy
Guess he . . . she . . . whatever . . . wasn't cross dressing after all

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Since 1/15/98

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