I ignore the dominant paradigm.
I deny everything.
I push beyond stereotype, beyond culture. I replace
superstition with science. I examine generalizations
to find the prejudices and outdated fears that lurk
beneath. I explore extreme possibilities. I fight to
bring those possibilities into being. I challenge
assumptions, my own and others'. I believe that being
"traditional" doesn't make a thing automatically "right,"
or true or valuable.
I refuse to use the words "masculine" or "feminine"
without heavy qualifiers and heavier sarcasm.
I refuse to create divisions where there is no evidence
to support their empirical existence.
I see a spectrum, and not just black and white.
I am myself, beyond gendered expectations or pop-culture
psychobabble; I am myself, unapologetically, fiercely,
That's the way I relate to everyone else, too. If you don't
believe in limitations, then you have none.
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