Note: This was originally posted in response to the question "What have you done to subvert the Battle of the Sexes," at Rob Breszny's "Real Astrology" site. After wading through countless pages of illiterate dreck and a few well-phrased and considered responses, the Muse whopped me in the head and this was the result. I liked it so much I decided to reprint it here.

Conscientious Objecting

I ignore the dominant paradigm.

I deny everything.

I push beyond stereotype, beyond culture. I replace 
superstition with science. I examine generalizations 
to find the prejudices and outdated fears that lurk 
beneath. I explore extreme possibilities. I fight to 
bring those possibilities into being. I challenge 
assumptions, my own and others'. I believe that being 
"traditional" doesn't make a thing automatically "right," 
or true or valuable.

I refuse to use the words "masculine" or "feminine" 
without heavy qualifiers and heavier sarcasm.

I refuse to create divisions where there is no evidence 
to support their empirical existence.

I see a spectrum, and not just black and white.

I am myself, beyond gendered expectations or pop-culture 
psychobabble; I am myself, unapologetically, fiercely, 

That's the way I relate to everyone else, too. If you don't 
believe in limitations, then you have none.

view the original post

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