Save Planet Earth!!!

There is a set of laws, unquestionable and unbendable, which the living community has always followed, until the man's cultural revolution:

You Take What YOU Need, And LEAVE The Rest Alone!!!

Our ("economically and socially advanced")society has a belief that men and women are the supreme beings on this earth, and that we were put on the planet in roder to rule it. This is not true, we were once equal to everyone else on this planet, now we're the most inferior ones. We are the only species that is at war with the world. There are humans who still live according to the laws, such as the Navajo Native-Americans and the Bushmen of Africa
The thing is, it is NOT "a Jungle out there," it is a quite safe, loving, livable, and most of all SURVIVABLE community, our planet earth.

The people who live according to the law are the endangered species most critical to the world -- not because they're humans but because they alone can show the destroyers of the world that there is no one right way to live. You must absolutely and forever relinquish the idea that you know who should live and who should die on this planet.

One thing I know people will say to me is "are you suggesting we go back to being hunter-gatherers? --- That of course is an inane idea. The Bushmen'slife-style isn't about hunting and gathering, it's about letting the rest of the community live -- and agriculturalists can do that as well as hunter-gatherers.

"But we can't just walk away from our civilization," you will say. --- That's certainly true, but we must be inventive, if it's worthwhile to us. If we care to survive. We're an inventive people, aren't we? We pride ourselves on that, don't we? Yes? Then invent!
"What do I do? --- What you do is you teach a hundred what I've tought you, and inspire each to teach a hundred.

I was part of someone's hundred myself, but what inspired me most, is what inspired my teacher, a book called "Ishmael" by an author named Daniel Quinn. This is the true guide to the survival of this planet, which ISN'T OURS! Most of the info and ideas on this page have been taken directly out of the book, some changed slitely to fit in context. I hope you find them profound ones, because the book is full of them. This book is for those of us who care to save the world, for it isn't ours, and we've messed it up enough! TIME TO CLEAN UP, folks.

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people have been here since March 1999

Created in March of 1999, by Paul Ivanov, a fourteen year old kid, who lives in Northern California. If you care to visit other pages created by him, send e-mail to, or you can visit his poetry website: The Smoky Basement