
Merry Meet! I'm Juliette.
Here at The Web Rage I'm known as...
the foul mouthed, underage alcoholic bitch.

Don't you just love my "bring it on bitch!" pose?
I'm fourteen-years-old and my astrological sign is Leo, which rocks because Leo is a fire sign and I'm sort of a pyromaniac...I don't set buildings on fire for fun though, I'm not fucking psychotic or anything. So, being a Leo and fire being my element, my direction is South, but you could give a fuck less, right? Yeah.
I live in Maryland at the moment. It sucks. I don't like Maryland, it's boring to me. There is nothing to do that isn't lame and shit. I prefer Indianapolis, where I used to live. That's where all my friends are. When I get old enough, I'm going to move back there with all my homies. Well, unless something happens with...oh, well, I'll tell you about that later.
I don't go to school out here in the middle of fucking nowhere. One reason: because it's summer. And because I have to do eigth grade over again because when we moved to suck ass Maryland from Indy, we didn't get situated in time for me to go back to school. Besides, I think I'm going to get homeschooled anyway, the people out here don't take kindly to my type. What type? That is the perfect question for you to ask.
I am a Pagan. In fact, I am Wiccan; definitively speaking, a Witch. I practice Witchcraft, yes. Most people seem to think that because of my religious differences I am a bad person. I am not a bad person at all. And many of the things these people do and say are out of their own fear and ignorance. I am actively part of many Pagan campaigns for religious tolerance and to teach others about Wicca and to dispell the myths of the Craft.
What else do you want to know? Well...oh yeah! You might wanna know why I seem like such a bitch. Hmm...cause I am one?! No, actually I'm a pretty nice person if you get to know me and you don't piss me off, cause if you piss me off you're in for some serious shit; I have the temper of a drunken Irishman (or so I've been told by various friends of mine). But if I'm in a good mood, I'm a pretty nice person to be around. See, I believe in walking in love and light and having love for everyone because we're all of Mother's children. And if we can't love one another then the Universe as a whole is doomed because without love there is only hate; we cannot exist in hate. And if we did exist only in hate then we would miss alot in life and the beautious bounty of Nature, which our Mother, the Goddess, has bestowed upon us.
Of course, I do seem like a bitch at times, I know this. I don't know why, I just come off that way to people. But you know my saying (which isn't the most original one, I assure you): "You call me a bitch like it's a bad thing."
Anywayz, I know I seem a little 'young' to be writing shit like this, but fuck you. I don't give a shit how 'young' I am, if I wanna write, I'm gonna do it. Skyler asked me to be a writer for The Web Rage because she's read the stuff that I normally write and she's knows that I know that she knows that I am a good writer. And if you don't think I am a good writer, you can suck my tit. Well, not literally, I don't need those fucking nightmares.
I've never written any reviews or anything before, so this is all new to me, but I'm pretty sure I can do it. Usually though, I write stories, kind of like novels. They're fiction stories, fan fiction to be factual, but I won't tell you what kind of fan fiction because you'll laugh. Oh well, fuck it, I write Hanson fan fiction and I'm not ashamed to admit it. I'm a Hanson fan and proud of it babe. And, just incase, I don't give two shits what your feelings on Hanson are, cause your opinion on that subject ain't shit to me. Okay? Okay.
Me and my best friend Nakasha are in a little singing group together. We call outselves Cassandra's Prophecy but it has nothing to do with prophecies or anything. We're just starting out right now, so we're not that good. But we're working hard to reach our goals, which are, say, uh, record contract. Oh well, everyone can dream can't they?
Well, that's all I can think of right now. If there's anything else that you'd like to know, then email me here.
Merry Part and Merry Meet again!
Hugz and kissez!
Lots of Love,
PeAcE oUt!