Finally I have acquired a scanner, so that I may now present to you,
the captive audience...*trying to keep a straight face* new pictures! *proud smile*

First and foremost, WEDDING PHOTOS:
The Bride & Groom *66kb*
Another of Us *71kb*
Okay, just one more... *55kb*
Right before ceremony, with bridesmaids Britta(L) and Julie(R) *33kb*
Me, Posing for the photographer *64kb*
John & the guys, relaxing at the reception *78kb*
Dad & I dancing at the reception *42kb*
John & I, with John's nephew Tyler *58kb*
My niece, Alyssa, the flower~girl *20kb*

A bit of my artwork, SKETCHES:
B/W Pencil (May, '99) *34kb*
B/w rough sketch (April '92) *41kb*

My spring garden, '99 *99kb*
Facing East on Big Dam, HWY22 *70kb*
NorthFork of the Santiam River *77kb*
Heppner, Oregon *15kb*
Guiness...our 9yr old German Shepherd *58kb*

I hope you enjoyed the photos! All photos are sole property of me, please do not steal, copy or alter them in any way.
Any comments/helpful suggestions on my photography concerning the scenic shots are more than welcome!
Just drop me an e~mail