Sherry's Home Page

"Friends are angels who lift us to our feet when
our wings have trouble remembering how to fly."


I love anything Victorian so I have a page to view
some of the pictures that I have found and want to share with
you. Just click on victorian to go to that page.

Beautiful Pictures

Cutiest Little Angels

What's New

Web Page Design Sets
(2 pages added 7-25-98)

Baby Art Graphics

Antique Doll Patterns

Some of my favorite links:

Visit my Porcelain Doll Site
I have lots of beautiful porcelain doll for sale there as well as supplies.
Visit my Antique Doll Site

Judy's Lace & Wood
Judy's site is wonderful. Porcelain dolls and more. A must see site.

Tomorrow's Keepsakes
She has very beautiful dolls. A must see for all doll lovers.

"Let's Talk" Bulletin Board
Also see Constance Dolls while you are there.

Porcelain Doll Bulletin Board
The bullitin board for all dollmakers to share information,
ideas and tips for creating porcelain dolls.

TLC Doll
Everything for the 18"doll and lots more. Wow what a site. You'll love it.

Loli's Graphic Galleries
Wonderful site. Very beautiful Graphics.

Bismans Web Graphics
Another great site for Graphics.

Marie's Delightful Dolls
Lots of beautiful dolls and clothes and links, all kinds of things to see.

Marvelous Backgrounds
Oh she has such beautiful things and great links to others.

Linda Horne's Doll Closet
Doll Patterns and Dresses. Really beautiful dresses.

Klowns by Kay & Childhood Fantasies
Porcelain doll molds, patterns and porcelain dolls.

Lorainne Young's Dolls
A great sculptor. Beautiful dolls. She sells them as one of a kind.
Talk her into getting some molds made while your there.

Email me

Please come back soon and visit me.

Oh! Don't forget to BOOKMARK!!

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