To save the image, right click on the image of your choice and choose "save picture as" (this will save the image to your hard drive. To save the background, right click anywhere on the back and choose "save background as".
To align the objects correctly on your page you will need to enter the following into your html code:
after the body codes.
Then type next line as: And the next line as: Then you may start your first paragraph on the next line.
Make sure to put I had to learn some of this the hard way so I put it here for other beginners. DO NOT LINK to my pictures . It is necessary that If you choose to display my backgrounds "Sherry's Specialty Dolls" or "Sherry's Home Page" Here is two logos you may choose from to use:
Your are welcome to use my graphics on your home pages for free, but PLEASE link back to this page when you use them. E-mail me and let me know your URL so that I may see in what creative way you are using them. Please do not alter this graphics in any way, use them with any other set or use them for commercial use. Thanks...Sherry Ramsey