OZ Main Index

For your convience, I have put links to everything on my page that I have about Oz. That way you don't have to go to main page, pictures, then Buffy pictures, this way you get straight to Buffy pictures or sounds or whatever else I have that pertains to Oz. This page will take a while for it to load... so just chill out, okay?


Buffy Pictures

Oz1 oz10 oz11 oz12 oz13 oz14 oz15 oz16 oz17 oz19 oz20 oz21 oz22 oz23 oz24 oz25 oz26 oz27 oz28 oz29 oz4 oz5 oz6 oz7 oz8 oz9

Buffy Sounds

this page is dedicated to the words of wisdom that come out of Seth's mouth when he plays Oz, on BtVS. I think we can all say, we have deifinitly fallen in love with some of his witty one-liners... not to say that he's only a one-line guy... he really is more, and a great actor at that. So, in no selective order:

Buffy: The Vampire Slayer
Asking Out
Oz: I'm going to ask you to go out with me tomorrow night... I'm kind of nervous about it actually... it's interesting.
Willow: Well, if it helps I'm going to say yes.

Oz: This cheerleading trophy, it's eyes follow you wherever you're going... I like it.

Written Down
Willow: I had this whole thing worked out, and I had it written down, but it didn't make sense when I was reading it back.
Oz: Willow, this is not a very good time.
Willow: I mean, what am I supposed to think? First you buy me popcorn, then you're all glad i didn't get bit. And... you put the tag back in my shirt.

Damn It
Oz: Willow, we can talk about this tomorrow.
Willow: No. Damn it. We'll talk about this now.

This is a long one, and its incredible sweet so I totally recommend downlaoding this one. It's good. It's about kissing and Willow-kissage. Very cool.

Oz: Well, to the casual observer you're trying to make your friend xander jealous or even the score or soemthing... And that's all on the empty side. See in my fantasy, when I'm kissing you, you're kissing me. It's okay. I can wait.
This is sort of a continuadation of the sound "Kissing."

Oz: I mock you with my monkey pants.
This is one of his best lines, I've ever heard!

Oz: So you guys steal weapons from the army a lot?
Willow: Well, we don't have cable, so we have to make our own fun.

Oz: Our band, we're moving to a new sound. We suck. So. Practice.

Buffy: I seem to be having a slight case of nudity here...
Oz: But you're not a rat, so call it an upside.

Real Vampires
Xander: Yeah... vampires are real... A lot of them in Sunnydale, Will. will fill you in.
Willow: I know it may be hard to except at first...
Oz: Actually it explains a lot.

Buffy: Are you okay?
Oz: Yeah, I'm shot. You know, wow. It's odd and painful.

Willow: I'd still, if you'd still?
Oz: I'd still, I'd very still.
Willow: Okay. No biting though...
Oz: Agreed.

Oz: I'm going through some changes.
Willow: Well, welcome to the world. Things happen! Don't you think I'm going through a lot?
Oz: Not like me.
Willow: Oh what?! You're special! You're special boy!... With chains and stuff... Why do you have chains and stuff?

Larry: Lemme guess... that whole innocent school girl things, all an act?
Oz: Yeah, she's actually an evil mastermind, it's fun.

Willow: I like you... don't smoke... your a werewolf... I'm not much fun to be around either...
Oz: You are quite the human.
That's not exactly what Willow said... but thats the jist of it.

Oz: That kind of hurt.
Xander: Kind of?! What was that for?
Oz: I was on the phone all night listening to Willow cry about you! Now, I don't know exactly what happened, but I was left with a very strong urge to hit you.

Well, that's it... for now. I guess our all-around great guy, is a little mean when it comes to people he cares about... but that's not really a bad thing... more of an honorable thing. But Oh well.

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