Contacts :
Aïki-Karate-Do is currently primarily practised in Belgium in Shudokan where it occurred.
Under the Management of the Master Yves Thélen, more than one hundred of pupils (children or adults) are involved or are initiated daily with this martial discipline.
Yves Thélen is the treating author of seven works of the martial arts of which :
" Aïki-Karate-Do from the fight to the death to the art of
living " appeared with the
Editions " Guy Trédaniel Editor
", Paris, 1994.
That you are responsible for a school of martial arts or simple practitioner, professor of physical or stimulating education of a House of the Young people, do not hesitate to contact us to take part in one weekend of formation or to organize a training course of Aïki-Karate-Do in your area.
The courses take place in Shudokan (49, quai des Ardennes, 4020 Liege, Belgium) Wednesdays of 18h30 with 20h00 and saturdays of 16h30 with 18h00.
All the goodwills are the welcomes within our organization.
A diploma of black belt cannot be obtained in some recyclings. But we place emphasis on the enthusiasm and the availability of the neophytes that on the experiment of confirmed practise.
Our address :
Aïki-Karate-Do Association
Quai des Ardennes, 49
4020 Liege (Belgium)
Builder page: Pierre Dewit: 6, rue Curtius 4051 Chaudfontaine (Belgium)
Special thanks to Stephane De Coster