On a cold wasteland, Xanth's group stood watching her, shivering. She on the other hand was fine, clothed in a yellow and black flannel, and thick boots. "Xanth, don't you think its a bit... bit cold?" Ranma asked, his teeth chattering. His short sleeved chinese shirt and slippers didn't seem quite adequate for the weather. Next to him, Akane glared at him, though her skirt and blouse were just as bad. "Just shut up and hear what she has to say!" Beky was studiously silent. When no one else voiced any objections, she smiled. "I am Universal Salidihm Xanth as you know. However, I prefer to be called Beky. Welcome to Jupiter." Makoto and Shinozaki suddenly looked around with more interest. His dark green suit jacket was draped over her fuku. "I don't remember anything." She looked at Shinozaki who shook his head. "Is this really Jupiter?" Beky shrugged. "It's A Jupiter. Specifically, it is the land ruled by J(U/P)-ITer. It's in the Xanth universe. Some friends are coming to meet us here." Duncan tilted his head. "Who?" Twenty huge men with pointed ears in green tunics strode up. The one in front extended a sword towards Beky. She drew her own and extended it. They touched hilts, blades at each others throats, then sheathed them and shook hands companionably. Beky turned to the others. "Meet my good friend Bahzell Bahnakson. He's brought a group of his friends for us to warm up on." Marco smiled broadly. "Good. Warming up would be very good." Rachel hit him, but was smiling. He glared at her. "Thanks Xena." Beky's left eyebrow rose. "I wonder what she would think of that particular comment. She IS a counterpart of mine, you know." Marco blanched. She laughed. "Don't worry, I won't tell her this once." Bahzell smiled broadly and his pointed ears twitched. "Brandark should be here in a few minutes with a wagon. We didn't think it would be terribly fair to fight your friends when they have insufficient clothing." Beky's group's faces lifted immediately. They brightened even more when they saw the white/green reversible cloaks and boots the smaller man brought. Beky took charge. "Spectrum, take a cloak so you don't waste your power in heating yourself. Ami, Makoto, I have full robes for you. Alright, everyone, go to it!" In fifteen minutes, the entire group was suitably attired. The hradani, as the giants were called, dickered rules with Beky. She nodded, allowed them to go hide. "Guys, see those two boulders? Those are the boundaries. The object is to defeat each person on the other team. If you are defeated, you must put your cloak inside out to symbolize being on the other team. Play continues till one team has completely absorbed the other, or until I call a break for food. Understand?" Everyone nodded. "I'm the impartial referee, so I'll be going now. Good luck!" * The group huddled together. Willow, slyly looked at Rachel and Marco. "To absorb our members, they have to know who they are right?" Ami nodded. "And if the only costume rules is that you have to where a white cloak..." Rachel and Marco suddenly caught on. They chuckled. Then they stripped off their overclothes, leaving only bathing suits. Everyone stared. Then they began to hideously contort. Daniel choked and looked away. Ami and Makoto began to look a bit green. When the transformation was done, in the teens place stood two adult polar bears. Now everyone laughed. Wolverine grunted. "We otta hide the brainy types." Duncan nodded. "Caspian and myself are skilled in sword play." Imhotep smiled. "As am I." Shinozaki, as Jupiter Knight, shifted from formal wear to armor. He drew his sword. "The Thunder Sword of Jupiter." Makoto blew lightning from her finger into a nearby tree, scorching it. "I'm not defenseless either." Ami stood next to her silently and started distractedly freezing blades of grass, as the lightning elemental, Achoo, said, "Pika... Pika CHU!" A nearby boulder exploded. Articuno, not to be out done froze Achoo's feet to the ground. Pika and Ashe protested. "Pika!" he zapped the ground at his fellow pikachu's feet. Achoo nodded his thanks. Wolverine seemed to ignore him, unsheathing his adamantium claws and sharpening them needlessly on a nearby rock. Ranma turned to Akane. "Akane, you should probably stay..." He staggered as a mallet made a round impression on his head. "I will not be left behind! I'm a martial artist too!" Ranma shrugged. "If that's the way you feel. Don't blame me if you get hurt." She turned away in a huff. He shrugged again. "Count us in, I guess." Brock pulled out a poke ball. "Geodude, c'mon! Onix, I choose you! Graveler, go! Time to rumble, Vulpix." A foot tall ball of stone with arms, large rock snake, large boulder, and foot and a half long multitailed mammal appeared. Misty followed suit. "Staryu! Starmie! Psyduck! Horsea!" Two large stars, one more complex then the other, a duck holding its hands to its head, and a cute sea horse appeared." Ash called out proudly. "Butterfree! Primeape! Raticate! Squirtle! Charmander!" A large purple butterfly, a monkey, a large rodent, a blue turtle, and an orange fire lizard appeared. Willow shook her head. "I'd better stay behind." Daniel agreed. "I don't want to shoot them, so I suppose I wll too." Beth considered. "I believe I'll roam the field. With my teleportal talent, I could be a bit hard to catch." Lynka was also considering. "I will guard Willow and Daniel." Wolverine put the last member of the team in a headlock. "Coming, kid?" Spectrum grinned. "What do you think?" Wolverine smiled. "That's what I thought." Duncan nodded. "Let's move out." * The first thing Spectrum did was render himself nearly invisible. Then he sat in the middle of the field and decided to enjoy some of the action. He was surprised therefore when he felt a hand on his shoulder. "Methinks you are a bit overconfident, my friend." Spectrum whirled and faced him. "How did you find me?" He had to seal up the whole in his technique, or his pranks would be doomed. The hradani smiled. "Though you are reflecting the type of light men see with, you smell terrible. Like some sort of horrible soap." Spectrum was relieved. He was out of hot water. No one would think to try THAT in his home world. "Do we fight now?" The hradani looked thoughtful. "You were trying to hide, right?" Spectrum nodded. "Then, in finding you, I have defeated you." Spectrum considered that. He could find no flaw in that argument. "You're quite right." He turned his cloak around to the green side. "The name's Spectrum." The hradani shook his hand. "Trahak." * Marco told Rachel. He was fishing in a stream. She tilted her head. Then she joined him. She felt the bear, trying to take over, and allowed it to fish. It quickly caught a herring. They proceeded to have a race, which of course Rachel won. They were bother surprised at how fast such massive animals could move. They wrestled in the snow, climbed trees, and otherwise enjoyed themselves for quite a while, as if they weren't playing a larger game. Marco was disappointed when the two hours were up.