The cloud 
The world is groaning moaning loud. 
We all wait on the mushroom cloud. 
The cloud that will bring death and ruin, for mankind does know what he 
One press of a button is all it will take. 
For one man controls its fait. 
One man that can destroy a human race, and take the world to a whole new 
Another realm where chaos rules. 
A place where mankind will make new tools. 
The ones that survive the mushroom cloud. 
Wonder how long things will be wild. 
Wild as hell but no one will tell, Because their minds will be in a 
A spell to last hundred’s of years.Untill mankind can build new fears. 
Fears to tear a world apart. 
Fears to make the world stop. 
By. Shane Guthrie 
A legend 
What if the legend lives? 
But in some peoples minds he does. 
What’s to say there won’t come a day. 
When Jim Morrison is found old and gray. 
Imagine the knowledge that wasn’t found in collage. 
But brought by time to his great mind. 
Now think of the poet, That’s how he would want people to know him. 
Imagine the writings that he was not inviting. 
With all the windows shut and the doors closed. 
Wonder if anyone really knows? 
By. Shane Guthrie 
Spring time air 
Birds singing in the spring time air. 
A gentle rain falling in your hair. 
Flowers in bloom and butterflies flying. 
A gentle stream flowing down a mountainside. 
Fish swimming in a farmer’s pond, swans every where but who is contain? 
People full of bliss all around the town. 
Not even one with a frown. 
Happiness across the world it seems. 
But is it the truth or just a dream….. 
By. Shane Guthrie 
A treasure 
One searches for years until they find. 
A treasure so abundant and multiplied. 
To see the treasure in a different light. 
One may think it’s silver or gold, 
Or even an artifact onethousand years old. 
A treasure so rare but plenty of; it’s not buried under earthen or soil 
nore surrounded by walls. 
Some may think its wealth and fame. 
Or even play with it like a game. 
The treasure one sees is in ones eyes. 
A sparkle that just multiplies. 
Brighter than the sun and stars. 
Worth a whole lot more than gold and fame. 
Just to see the sparking flame. 
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