Sitaraman Balakrishnan
OBJECTIVE: Seeking a challenging position as a Systems/Database Administrator.
08/94 - Present
Computer Analyst, L.S.U., Work includes the following:
1. Hardware Troubleshooting: Maintenance of PC and Macintosh hardware and software installation and troubleshooting.
2. Network Troubleshooting: Networking about 200 PCs and Macs in an ethernet network which includes File Servers, Windows NT Server, Sun Solaris 2.5.1 server and a Shiva Lanrover for dial-in access.
3. Database Development: Developing and maintaining the College of Education Database which is located on the web at
Login - guest , Password - password.
4. Web Page Development: Maintaining the departmental Web-Page.
08/89 - 08/94 Graduate Assistant, Department of Electrical Engr., LSU.
Main duty was to teach courses/labs in Electronics and Micro-Computers.
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System Software Development:
- Implemented the CPU Scheduler, File Management and Memory Management modules in a simulation package for a Unix-like operating system.
Communication Software Development:
- Developed a program that implements BSD Sockets.
Computer Hardware Simulation:
- Developed a simulation software for evaluating cache memory and pipelines in
high performance computers.
Algorithm and Data Structure Implementations:
- Implemented the Chang-Iyengar algorithm to balance binary search trees.
Database & Database Software Development:
- Developed a database in Oracle 7.3 for a computer accessory firm as part of the group project requirement for the course on Database Management.
Used proc to create user interface.
Computer Graphics Software:
- Developed a 3-D GRAPHICS VIEWER, using X-Windows. This viewer draws 3-D wireframes for objects given its co-ordinates.
Recreational Software Development:
- Developed a Video Golf game using the GRAFIC package.
- Developed a game called NIM as part of a group project on maintaining
decision trees.
Simulations in Classical Statistical Physics:
- Molecular Dynamics simulations for an ARGON gas system.
- Montecarlo Simulations for an ARGON gas system.
- Simulated Annealing Method for np-hard problems.
- Spectal Method to solve wave equation.
Numerical Techniques:
- Solution to multiple integrals using Gauss-Legendre method.
- Solution to Differential Equations using 5 point method.
- Root finding using various methods (Bisection, Chebyshev...)
- Solution to system of equations using Matrix methods (Decomposition,
Elimination etc...).
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Languages: C, C++, Java, SQL, Visual Basic 5.0, FORTRAN.
Environments: Windows 95, Windows NT, Mac OS 8 , Solaris 2.5.1, Oracle 7.3,
Novell Netware, BSD Unix, VM, VMS, DOS, Windows 3.1.
Systems: Dell WindowsNT Server, IBM compatible PCs, Apple Macintosh,
SUN Ultra 1, RISC 6000, Multimax, DEC Vax, Apple Workgroup Server.
Software: Network: Windows NT, Appleshare, Novell Netware.
Presentation: Persuasion, Power Point, Astound.
Email Server: GroupWise, Unix.
Database: Butler SQL Server, Tango Server, Access, Filemaker Pro, Dbase.
Analytical Packages: Matlab, Mathematica.
Hardware: Ethernet hardware such as Repeaters, Routers and Hubs. Remote Communication hardware such as Shiva Netmodems and Shiva LanRover, PC and Macintosh hardware.
Protocols: TCP/IP, Appletalk, Novell IPX, Netbeui.
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08/94-12/97 M.S in System Science at LSU. GPA - 3.85
Relevant Course work :
Operating Systems, Database Management,
Algorithms, Data Structures,
Computer Graphics, Computer Architecture,
Communication Networks and High Performance Computing.
08/89 - 05/92 Master of Science in Electrical and Computer Engr., LSU.
GPA - 3.9.
08/85 - 05/89 Bachelor of Engineering in Electronics and Communication,
University of Madras, India. First Class.
Available upon request.
CONTACT INFORMATION: 11888, Longidge Avenue, Apt # 2070
Baton Rouge, LA - 70816
Phone: 504-292-1430
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This page last updated on Feb 27, 1998.
Background by Designer Originals.