Appendix 2 -- Modern Rendition of Petition of Daniel Hovey regarding his brother-in-law Thomas Andrews.

"September 27, 1683'

This may inform this Honored Court and may it please your Honors, to take notice touching the relations of this worthy gentleman Mr. Thomas Andrews, my truly loving, dear and well-beloved brother-in-law. I did more than forty years ago, marry his loving and well-beloved sister, Abigail Andrews, by whom the Lord blessed me with six sons and one daughter, five of which sons are yet living; so that by this it may appear that we are surely related to this deceased gentleman. But in brief, he had six nephews and two nieces, as follows: there is the son and daughter of his brother, namely, John. Andrews and Sarah Connant, his sister, both of which are considerably debtors unto his estate, as also Mrs. Elizabeth Glover who is married to Mr. John Glover, formerly living at Boston, now at fwanfy(?), which also is debtor to the estate. There is myself, also debtor to the estate, five shillings upon the (promise?) of some things he lent me for my present use and gave me order to use and keep them until he called for them; there is Daniel & John Hovey two of his nephews, debtors to the estate for fcolin(?) their children about four pounds. There is also Thomas, Joseph and Nathaniel Hovey, three of his nephews which never had the value of one shilling of the estate of their uncle's that I know of. I humbly draw your favor to overlook my weakness in endeavoring to lay this narrative before your Honors. Yet, when there shall appear a visible estate of my loving brother's you may have so much as these few lines may afford as touching the settling of his estate upon his relations that we quietly and peaceably with the Lord's blessing may have the benefit of the use of his estate which he left undisposed of now the good Lord of Heaven to influence your heads and hearts by the light of His Holy Spirit as that a given sentence may proceed from you as God may have honor yourselves joy in the day of Christ and no persons or person may have cause of complaint but that we may bless God for His mercy to see justice and judgment full running in our streets. So prays your humble petitioner.