This page doesn't really deal with HTML, it's more of a quick lesson in understanding ''Net Talk''!
If you don't know what LOL means yet, read on!

Like many of you, WebTV was really my first experience with the Internet.
I had been on a computer a handful of times in my life, but as far as email, chat rooms, and the like, I was a total babe in the woods!
If you have never been in a chat room before, just seeing all that ''gibberish'' can make you dizzy!
You consider yourself a fairly intelligent person, right? But, the first time you saw ''ROTFLMAO!!!:-)'', did you kind of scratch your head, & say; ''HUH?''
Well, here is a small ''dictionary'', of some of these weird little thingies, which are called Acronyms & Emoticons.

LOL = Laugh Out Loud (Which is probably the first one you will encounter. All that means is, the person laughed about something, or finds something funny.)

ROTFLMAO = Rolling On The Floor, Laughing my A$$ Off (Same as above, but even more so!)

ROTFLMFAO = Same as above, but depending on your viewpoint, the ''F'' could stand for one of two things- One is the ''F'' word, the other is ''Fat''!
Funny story- I actually had never heard of the ''Fat'' definition, until a friend of mine on AOL told me about it. When I heard about this other definition, my reaction was- ''Oh, GREAT! Now, everyone at Talkcity thinks I have a big butt!''

And, speaking of funny stories-

PIMP = Peeing In My Pants
The first time I saw this acronym in a news group, I could not help but wonder; ''WHY does everyone call that funny poster a PIMP? Do they know something I don't know?''
PIMP is usually used to signify that something is hysterically funny!


If you ever go into a News or Discussion Group, you will see even more Acronyms. Here are some of the most common ones:

IMO =In My Opinion

IMHO = In My Humble Opinion

IMNSHO = In My NOT SO Humble Opinion!

ITA = I Totally Agree

ICAM = I Couldn't Agree More

IDA = I Don't Agree

ITDA = I Totally Don't Agree

ICCL = I Couldn't Care Less

Are those little ''HappyFaces'', that you can view by tilting your head to the left side. There are several variations, & some people have developed their own ''signature'' smilie! The most common one is usually this:


Some people use different ''noses'':




Or, different ''eyes'':


This one's winking at you!

Some add a ''moustache''!


Or, even ''hair''!


There are many different kinds- but, they are all ''smilies''!

But, what if you don't feel like smiling? Just turn that smile upside down, like this:



That's all, for now! ;-)