Next we have our Robynrn,Rob was there in how2chat when i got there, she is a very sweet lady, and she is also an RN, so she can be a lot of help if you have a medical ouestion, she helped me out a lot when my faher was sick, she explaned his condition to me in a way that i could understand, and made me feel a lot less worried, thanks Rob, i wont forget that. luv ya.
Here is our highflier, high is a very sweet man, he also always makes you feel welcomed in the room, i am glad to have him as one of my friends, hes another how2 hunk, isnt he ladys, luv ya high.
Next we have brandyy,bran is a very sweet person, she is always in a good mood when she comes in, bran lives in canadia, think she said it was o there the other day, well she can have it, ill stay in FL. where it is warm, but ill think of you bran, honest i will, luv ya bran.
And then we have our SwtBudZzs, we call him swts, swts is a great guy, he has sent me some really great things,swts surfs a lot so he finds some neat things. He is never in the room very long at a time,he is in and out, in and out, i call him yo,yo.But if you are looking for some thing special and can't find it, just ask swts, i bet he can find it. Thanks for all the neat stuff swts,luv ya.
Next we havepjdabombis a really great lady, she send me the most beautiful mail, lots of poems that i will use for my poem page, and she sends beautiful pictures, she must be a very careing and feelig person by the things she sends, i am very glad to have her as my friend, luv ya pjd.
And then we have mytoes,MYYY as i call her is a really nice person.she is in and out of the room in a flash, i dont know where she keeps running off to, but she is always back shortly,myyyy has been in how2 a long time also and we all love her very much, you just let someone try and pick on her and you will see how much she is loved.

And here is our Deer2ooo with his new Baby and new BadBoy, he looks like he is very proud of both, deer has been in how2 for a while now and has lots of friends there, we always like to see deer come in, luv ya deer.
And then there is umi-ryuuzaki, i call her umi, she is a really great person and fun to be around, umi has not been thare all that long, but she fits right in.
And then we have our mouse, now mouse will tell you in a heart beat weather she likes you or not,and if theres every any trouble in the room she can take care of it, mouse is real fighter. she has been in how2 a long time also and has more boyfriends then anyone i know in there, i keep telling her she needs to leave some for use, luv ya mouse.
Here is our JoeCoolcamel, joe is really sweet, he sends me some neat stuff, he does not spend all that much time in the room, but comes in every now and then, i always enjoy seeing joe, luv ya joe.
Next is our countrygal98, i call herGALis she not pretty? i think she is so pretty, and she has a great personalty that goes a long with her looks, luv ya GAL.

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