Yeah I passed Dental Boards Part I with flying colors! I scored a 91 overall with individual scores of 87 in Anatomy/Histology, 93 in Biochemistry/Physiology, 93 in Microbiology/Pathology and 90 in Dental Anatomy. I was really surprised with my scores because I really felt I failed at least one section, Anatomy/Histology. In fact many of US (UOP dental students) thought the Anatomy/Histology section was damn tough. Out of 126 students only two students failed ONE sections, hence a 98% pass rate!
How did I study for the exam you ask??? To prepare for the exam I just studied past board exams (you can actually buy these) and dental decks (pre-made flash cards on every subject covered). I did not spend too much time thumbing through old notes. To pass the exam I think you can get away with just knowing dental decks COLD. The dental decks are just a brief compilation of old board exam questions squashed in to flash cards. They are color organized by section and are quite good. If you want to specialize I would suggest both dental decks AND old notes, otherwise just go with the dental decks.
I passed my boards with a composite score of 87! I scored High in all areas except behavioral science and public health/occupational safety (who cares!!!!). Boards Part II tests your knowledge in clinical denitistry. The following area are tested: operative, pharmacology, prosthodontics, oral surgery/pain control, orthodontics/pedodontics, endodontics, peridontics, oral pathology/radiology, behavioral science and public health/occupational safety. Scoring in each section is based on your score compared to the national average. Therefore you can score a L (low) to H (high) relative to the average. Then somehow from all your H's and L's they arrive at a composite score. I thought the test was very fair overall. Many of my friends thought the endo section was the hardest, followed by pharmacology. Basically if you fail any section on Part II you have to take the entire test over again. Again, I studied mostly from dental decks and read my pharmacology notes with and emphasis on pain medications, antibiotics and antifungals. Anyway good luck to you all!