Speicailty Anyone?
If you want to be a specialist straddle up and get ready to compete. When I first cam to UOP everyone wanted to be a specialist. After grades came out after the 1st quarter and ranking were distributed a lot of bubbles were burst. Let me give you a breakdown of the specialties as I know it currently:
- Endodontics – need to be in the top ten of your class plus extracurricular activities. However one guy at UOP ranked a dismal 70+ got in due to a little nepotism.
- Oral Surgery- again have to be top 10 unless you got connections.
- Orthodontics-basically need to be #1 or #2 to have a chance. All the people at UOP ortho are #1 to #3.
- Peridontics-certainly not as hard as endo or ortho but you probably have to be in the top 20-30%.
- Prosdodontics- I think it is harder the Perio but I’m not to sure about this one.
- Pedo- I heard this is the easier one to get into but if you don’t like kids don’t do it.
- General Dentistry- heck you can do anything you want!