Sonic News Press

Hello and welcome to the new Sonic News Press. This design is what I like, if you have any problems about it, email me. If enough people complain, I might change the background. If not, this is it! Anyway, the rules of the page: Ahem...the page will be updated whenever news come up, that means it could be daily; the pictures on the left (<--) are linked to archives, specials, and interviews. To keep the load speed of the page, news one week old will be moved to the news archive page. And enjoy "the best Sonic news page out there under the sky!" Oh yeah, if you have any news related to the Sonic the Hedgehog Universe, please inform me as fast as you can! This is the archive for December, 1998.

SA On A Monitor? - Zifei 9:40pm CST, 12-18-98
Sega of Japan will release a VGA cable for the Dreamcast sometime in January 1999. The cable would allow the Dreamcast to use a computer monitor as a display. Monitors will allow better graphics. Sonic Adventure will be one of the first games to support this cable link.

Chaos! - Zifei 9:40pm CST, 12-18-98
Ah, those cute little A-Life creatures in Sonic Adventure. Want to know more about them? Click here and read this article from Gamers' Republic.

More On SA Internet. - Zifei 7:15pm CST, 12-18-98
Here's a bit of interesting information regarding the first Sonic Adventure add-on file you could download form from SegaNet:

Turns out that the first use of the modem in conjunction with Sonic Adventure will be to download a limited-edition file that decorates a pine tree in the first town of the game! More specifically, it decorates the tree with Christmas ornaments to go along with the holiday season; the file will be available for download from Sonic Adventure's website only during Christmas.

Says an excited Sonic Team, "Let's begin experiencing new possibilities, connecting Sonic Adventure to the Internet and enhancing the game!" The Christmas tree file will be downloaded into your VMS unit and stored there for safekeeping.

I have also recieved other hints saying that you could actually download new levels from the net! Also someone from a Sega board suggested that maybe there will be muti-player mode once the game gets here.

Reviewers Talk... - Zifei 6:46pm CST, 12-18-98
Reviewers of Sonic Adventure from Famitsu Magazine (which gave Zelda a 40/40 and SA a 38/40) talked about their review of the game:

The reviewers don't want to give a game that's released so early in a system's life-span such a perfect score; they are sure Sonic Team and the rest of the Dreamcast developers can do much better in future games. The reviewers also commented that if they had reviewed Sonic Adventure before Zelda, Zelda would of been ranked much lower.

Well...ok, I'll take that as a "we're sorry that Sonic Adventure did not get a perfect 40/40."

Sonic Underground News! - X4Mavrick email 6:46pm CST, 12-18-98
Gamers' Republic Magazine (December issue, the best gaming magz in Zifei's opinion) had an article concerning Sonic Undergroud. They showed pictures of Some of the new characters. Manic, Sonia and two villans. It's a prequel to the other shows and the games (oh no!). Also, rumor has it that Sega is thinking of making a game of it. Yes a game, based off a TV show, which is based off a game. The show is to air in April of 1999. Another tidbit is there is to be a new song each episode. Based off the pictures of the characters the animation looks decent.

More SA Screens! - Zifei 4:17pm CST, 12-17-98
SegaX has scanned more images of Sonic Adventure from Japanese magazines. These new images show Chaos creatures racing (?), the selection screen, and more!

Image 1, Image 2, Image 3, Image 4, Image 5, Image 6.

More On SA! - Zifei 3:32pm CST, 12-17-98
Here's something interesting about Sonic Adventure's web capabilities:

In the game's menu screen, there's an item noted as "Internet." You can access Sega's web site, its site, a Sonic Adventure page, or you can send an e-mail. According to Sega's Yuji Naka, you can download data and add it to the game. For example, you can trade Chao, characters that are downloadable and tradable, with others via the Net.

Some people over the net have suggested that this game will have add on levels you could download over the Internet. And it looks like there would be no multi-player. That's only for Japan. We're not sure what's going to happen here.

More SA Ratings! - Zifei 3:28pm CST, 12-17-98
More Sonic Adventure ratings are coming in from Japan...and boy, they are high! Check them out!

DC Mag 9 9 10 (9.3)

DC Fan 9 9 9 (9)

FamiTsu 9 10 9 10 (9.5)

Note that these are Japanese magzines' ratings, Chinese gaming magazines' ratings should be coming in later this week or early next week.

Something From Manny! - Lien email 3:21pm CST, 12-17-98
Lien just recieved a letter from Manny Galan, the current penciller for Knuckles the Echidna comics. Here's some interesting quotes from the letter:

I'm very touched that so many people care if I leave the book or not. One tends to forget that people are actually reading this stuff. After awhile it becomes a job and you forget people are actually consuming your product.

I was so moved by some of the letters particularly from the younger kids that I almost re thought leaving. But unfortunately after budgeting my time, I realise that it would be impossible. I've recently moved and married and Ta-Da! was surprised to find out I'm going to be a father!!! Can you believe that? I'm having my own baby Knuckles! Ha! Ha! After the baby comes I will really have no extra time. But for now I can tell you that for the forseeable future Knuckles fans (the greatest people on Earth) can look forward to seing my work on Knux back up stories and I'll also be doing the covers, and as I stated before my 2 last issues which will likely appear in the mid to late thirties, I hope!

Congrats from Sonic HQ, Manny! And we wish you well. Steven Butler, the current Sonic artist, will take over the main pencilling for Knuckles after Manny "leaves" (he will still draw backup stories for a while).

Sonic Adventure Themes! - Rittz email 7:03pm CST, 12-16-98
After Zifei posted that link to the cool page with Amy's theme and lyrics, I did some added exploration and came up with the addresses to the other character's they are:

Open Your Heart: Main Theme

It Doesn't Matter: Sonic's Theme

Believe in Myself: Tails' Theme

Unkown to M.E.: Knuckles' Theme

Lazy Days ~Livin' in Paradise~: Big's Theme

E-102 Gamma's theme was not on the Sonic Adventure music CD, so there wasn't a page made for him. Also note that all themes are in Real Audio files.

More On Sonic 3D! - Zifei 4:50pm CST, 12-16-98
Someone posted a bit of information on the new game Sonic 3D: Flickers' Island, or a port of Sonic 3D Blast here in the States. Here's what he said about the new stuff added in the port:

There are improvements in the grahics and a new bonus stage is added between each stages. The bonus stage is kind of like the one in Sonic 2.

This game should be out on January 14th in Japan. Import shops will import this title since it is one of the last Saturn titles.

SA Rated At 38 Of 40! - Zifei 3:33pm CST, 12-16-98
Japanese game publication Weekly FamiTsu, the Bible of gamers, has rated Sonic Adventure as 38 out of 40! Or 95%! The only reason Sonic Adventure isn't rated as 40 out of 40 is because all the media world is going by the "evaluate the Dreamcast games with high expectations" thing.

More SA Screens! - Zifei 6:28pm CST, 12-15-98
SegaX has posted five more screen shots of E-102 Gamma from Sonic Adventure. They're not of good quality, but check them out!

Image 1, Image 2, Image 3, Image 4, Image 5.

DC US Release Date Set! - Zifei 4:06pm CST, 12-15-98
Just remember 9-9-99. Quad nine for the Dreamcast US release date. Now Sega is reporting 20-30 games at launch (!). Two Sonic games might be there. Sonic Adventure for sure.

T-minus 7 Days And Counting... - Zifei 3:59pm CST, 12-15-98
Sonic Adventure is right on scheduale now. Check out this quote:

It seems that Sonic Adventures is being pressed and wrapped as we speak with distributors getting the game as early as this Friday. Importer NCS today sent out a guarantee that Sonic Adventures would be shipping to US customers next Monday, a mere two days ahead of its official scheduled launch in Japan. In fact NCS is getting a large shipment in and says that they will be able to fulfill all orders they receive for Yuji Naka's masterpiece.

Now, let me tell you what'll happen on the net when Sonic Adventure arrives. First day, excellent impressions. Second day, tons of reviews by Japanese gamers. Third day, screen shots flood the net. Fourth day, American/European import gamers review the game. And on the fifth day, tons of videos.

Knuckles: Twenty Years Later. - Zifei 3:16pm CST, 12-15-98
Sonic Super Special - Knuckles: Twenty Years Later, has been officially moved from super special #8 to #11 or #12. Here's the exact quote made by Ken Penders:

I haven't kept track because I'm not involved with anything occuring in #8 through 10. #11 and 12 is when my material is featured. One special is the Female Furries and the other is KNUCKLES: 20 YEARS LATER.

Now, since super special #9 is left vacant...what could it be? Last time I checked, it should come out about the same time as Knuckles #25. We'll dig into this.

Songs With Attitude! - Zifei 10:39pm CST, 12-12-98
On the news report below, I said I didn't know where the Amy theme song came from...well, yes I do. It's from the new Sonic Team music CD titled Sonic Adventure Vocal Mini-album: Songs With Attitude. Click here to see the outside of the CD. The CD was released on December 2nd in Japan. It contains all the character theme songs. I'm betting on it that you'll find a copy in your local video game import shop. Oh, also, remember the E-102 Gamma commercial? The music on the background is in-game. Great music huh?

My Sweet Passion... - Zifei 10:35pm CST, 12-12-98
Someone some how got a hold on the Amy theme song "My Sweet Passion" from Sonic Adventure. I don't know how or where he got it from, but I don't care...all I care is that now we can hear the lyrics and download the song in Real Audio format! Click here to see it and download it!

Pictures From Mid-Ohio Con! - Zifei 9:15pm CST, 12-12-98
Thanks to Bob from one of the Sonic mailing lists, we get some picture from the Mid-Ohio Comic Con that happened about a week ago (I would have gone if it wasn't for that darn project...). They include pictures of Ken Penders, Andrew Pepoy, and some Sonic and Knuckles keyrings. Click on the following link to view them!

Mid-Ohio Comic Con Pictures!

Since we're on the topic of comic-cons, I will say right now that Sonic News Press already have 4-6 exclusive reports scheduled for San Diego Comic Con of next year. Most likely, people such as Ken Penders, Karl Bollers, Justin Freddy, Manny Galan, Patrick Spaziante, Steven Butler, Harvey Mercadoocasio will be there. The event happen in next August. If you can go, go, since it's the largest comic event of next year. If you can't, we'll give you the details. So, stick around!

RPG Or No RPG? - Zifei 10:22am CST, 12-12-98
Remember back a few month, IGNDC put up Sonic/Knuckles RPG as a confirmed Dreamcast game? And I told you not to count on it? Well, now, they took it down. I guess they found their mistake...Now, since we're on this topic, I have looked everywhere on what Traveler's Tales (the people who made Sonic 3D Blast and Sonic R, real close to Sega) is doing right now. They sort of disappeared after Sonic R. And they're one of the first ones to get a Dreamcast development kit...just have to wait and see.

Ken On Knuckles Comics. - Zifei 3:24pm CST, 12-9-98
Ken Penders yeasterday on his message board made a post about the future of Knuckles comics, including Knuckles: Twenty Years Later:

KNUCKLES: TWENTY YEARS LATER will more likely appear in SONIC SUPER SPECIAL #11 or 12. It was pushed back at my request, so I could get the regular series ahead of schedule so I wouldn't be rushing through this. It is NOT an alternate reality story. It definitely does chronicle what happens much later in Knuckles' life. Despite knowing what this future shows, readers will still find that the path to the future in the regular series will be a most surprising one.

Chances are SONIC SUPER SPECIAL #11, however, will feature the FEMALE FURRIES issue, where Sally resolves the Antoine situation once and for all with her father, Julie-Su learns a bit of her past, Hershey shows why she's just possibly the most dangerous agent under Geoffrey's command, Bunnie deals with her situation and Lupe stars in a sequel to the current 3-parter she's featured in the latest issues of SONIC.

MIGHTY is featured in a 3-part adventure beginning in KNUCKLES #26, in which he details his first meeting with SONIC and RAY THE SQUIRREL. There's also a couple of major surprises tossed in, especially for NACK and TAILS fans.

ESPIO gets the solo-star treatment for 3-issues in the back-ups starting with KNUCKLES #30. Chances are you'll see Constable Remington and Julie-Su solo adventures as well.

You'll get an overview of Guardian history along with plenty of other surprises in KNUCKLES #25.

Rob o' the Hedge, Antoine and General D'Coolette are featured players in the RETURN TO ALBION storyline slated for KNUCKLES #33 through 35. (I'm still debating with myself whether or not to go with FAMILY OBLIGATIONS as the overall story title.)

Nothing's really new here except that Knuckles: Twenty Years Later super special is being pushed back. That leads us to ponder what will be the filler. I mean, Archie didn't do a very good job with past fillers (Sonic #51-#52, #57-#61)...

More On SA Development! - Zifei 8:00pm CST, 12-8-98
Vector Ireland, the CEO of Working Designs, talked to some Sega of Japan officials today who have played the final production master version of Sonic Adventure. And he said:

The only "immodest" comment I could get was that they thought it was the best of the first gen Dreamcast titles by a good margin, and from what I saw of the pics, I would agree. They liked the SPEED the best, which is the best part of any Sonic game.

Yah! Sonic Adventure is finished! Now all is left to do is production. Note that when Dreamcast launch in North America, we'll be getting mostly second generation software.

SA Right On Schedual! - Zifei 7:25pm CST, 12-8-98
We're T-minus 14 days and counting! Key Japanese distribution houses have confirmed delivery of Sonic Adventure on December 22-23. So, people! Stop worrying about Sonic Adventure being delayed!

Where Are The Chaotix? - Zifei 3:47pm CST, 12-8-98
Ken Penders, the writer of Knuckles the Echidna comics, had this to say when our own, WB, asked him why the Choatix doesn't make much of an appearance anymore:

One of the problems I have with KNUCKLES is too much story and not enough pages to tell it, so somebody is always getting the short shrift. In this case, I'd have to agree the Chaotix haven't exactly taken center stage. They do, however show up a bit more in the DARK ALLIANCE storyline taking place in KNUCKLES #22 through #24. However, it's the KNUCKLES: THE FIRST DATE storyline in #26 through #28 where the Chaotix figure more prominently. Not only that, but they'll be taking center stage in the back-up stories that begin in KNUCKLES #26.

Incidentally, not only do we have RAY THE SQUIRREL finally making his debut in KNUCKLES #26, but we have a major surprise for NACK fans as well.

Most of this stuff we already reported about a month or two ago, but the Nack thing is new. Last time I checked, Nack is still with Snively and bunch.

More On Sonic 3D! - Zifei 3:46pm CST, 12-8-98
Next Generation posted some information on the new Sonic game getting ready for release in Japan we reported about last week called Sonic 3D Flicky Island. Well, they didn't add anything new, just posted a picture. But from this picture, we can see that Sonic 3D Flicky Island will probably be a direct port of Sonic 3D Blast.

Sonic #68 Release Date! - Zifei 3:46pm CST, 12-7-98
Archie Comic's Sonic the Hedgehog comic issue #68 will ship on December 23, 1998 to all the comic stores in the USA.

Sonic & Garfield Pac? - Zifei 3:36pm CST, 12-7-98
I'm not sure what this is, but it seem to be a PC game package readying for release not buy Sega, but by GT Interactive. In fact, GT from now on will release all Sega and Segasoft's PC games:

The first titles that GT will distribute under the agreement are: The House of the Dead(tm), Enemy Zero(tm), Sonic R(tm), Sega Smash Pack, Yoot Tower(tm), Sega Rally(tm) 2 Championship, and the Sonic(tm) & Garfield Pac while SegaSoft titles include Plane Crazy, Fatal Abyss, and Vigilance.

We'll try to find more about this Sonic and Garfield Pac.

Game Gear Re-release Time! - Zifei 3:30pm CST, 12-7-98
Wondering when Sega will have Majesco re-release the Game Gear?

The Game Gear plan would have Majesco's Game Gear's hitting the store shelves before this Christmas; selling for $29.95, the Game Gear will be an impulse-priced alternative to the $79.95 GB color (a product receiving heavy hype from Nintendo and the press).

Well, now we're talking. I'm thinking that all the major Game Gear Sonic hits (Sonic Triple Trouble, Sonic Chaos, Tail's Adventure) should be re-released also. If you want something better, wait a few month for the re-release of the Saturn for $49.

Knuckles #21 Release Date! - Zifei 4:03pm CST, 12-6-98
Archie Comic's Knuckles the Echidna #21 will go on sale in comic stores across America on December 9th, or next Wednesday.

Sonic Arcade Midi Mix Up! - Vector 3:23pm CST, 12-6-98
I got this from an e-mail from Michael Stearns:

Oh, as for that music, I talked to Alessandro [Sanasi], it turns out the "arcade" music is actually from a CD, totally unrelated to anything, produced by a company called "arcade." So it's an "Arcade CD," and we all just got really confused. Strange, but it makes sense, considering all those songs about Sonic and Tails and tails isn't even in the game!! Also, I'm afraid it wasn't released on any home system, of that I am certain..

Apparently, Desert Dodge Zone was from the SEGASonic arcade game (Koryan, who lives in Japan, composed it and listed it as a song from SEGASonic), while 'Sonic Electronic', 'King of the Ring', 'They Call Me Sonic', and 'Sonic & Tails' (which all contained lyrics) were from the music CD. I don't know for certain where Metropolis Trance Zone came from, but I think it was also from the CD, because that's how the MP3 was listed in the Sonic Corner's MP3 section.

As for other info...the scanner IS in order, I've got it all figured out! I'm going to recreate the entire article from EGM in HTML, (I like htmling, what can I say?) once I scan the pictures this week.. (College slows things down soooooo much!!) Once again, sorry it's taking so long. Xmas break is coming up, so... ^_^

An old EGM article about SEGASonic the Hedgehog is coming to the 'net! I can't wait for that!

Sonic 3D Flicky Island! - Zifei 9:28pm CST, 12-4-98
Sega of Japan will release a new Sonic game for Sega Saturn called Sonic 3D Flicky Island on January 14th in Japan. This is the Japanese version of Sonic 3D Blast here in the States. Nothing is clear about this game right now. It could be different from the original version.

Sega System Rereleases! - Zifei 8:11pm CST, 12-4-98
With all the talk centered around Dreamcast, there's still some hope left for the Sega Saturn:

Majesco, the company responsible for the re-design and distribution of the Genesis 3, will begin manufacturing and distributing the Sega Saturn early in 1999. The Saturn's US installed user base is estimated at 1.5 million, but if their expected sales of the Genesis 3 (1-2 million units) for '99 suggest numbers for Saturn sales, this could be quickly changing. The price of the system will be a mere $49.

The games will sale only for $15. Now here's the better news:

Majesco will also be re-releasing the Sega Game Gear at the low low price of $29.

The Saturn had 3 Sonic games and the Game Gear had over 10. With those cheap prices, I'm sure you can have them for your next birthday or something.

SA Remains #1! - Zifei 7:45pm CST, 12-4-98
Sonic Adventure remains as the most wanted announced game according to Game Weekly of Hong Kong. That's the 3rd straight week. This week, Sonic Adventure beat out FFVIII by 6 votes at 351. Rounding out the top five most wanted games in order are FFVIII, Grandia 2, Bio Hazard: Code Veronica, and Virtua Fighter TB.

Give Me An A... - Zifei 7:31pm CST, 12-4-98
Or rather, an evaluation of this news page. If you, my dear readers, have time, could you please give me an email and tell me what I could do to improve this page? Or any complaints.

Cross Your Fingers! - Zifei 7:23pm CST, 12-4-98
As far as I and about everyone else know, the Dreamcast will be launched in United States and Europe on September the first, but that may change according to this quote:

My Importer, Microplay, was present at the Nashville show and they told me not to buy the DC because it will be released in April. They aren't the only ones either. I have a good friend who runs 3 local Software ect. and he also told me the same thing.

Now Bernie Stolar has promised countless times that Sonic Adventure will be an launch title no matter what. Wouldn't it be great to have the whole summer to play Sonic Adventure (rumors right now are saying 120 hours rush straight through game)? Of course, until an official announcement, count this as a rumor.

A Fan Club. - Zifei 4:23pm CST, 12-3-98
Ken Penders is planning a fan club, he really doesn't go into detail about what the fan club will be about, here's what he said:

I'd like to take a survey to see if visitors would be interested in joining the fan club that's been suggested I put together. It's basically in the planning stages, and I'd like to hear what would make it a fun thing for you to get involved in.

This could be about anything, but my bets are on a Sonic/Knuckles/Lost Ones fan club. We'll keep you posted on this as it develops.

Ice Cap Zone... - Zifei 4:00pm CST, 12-3-98
Yes! This is the one zone in Sonic Adventure that I'll look forward to the most (well, maybe second most after Speed Highway). It brings back a lot of old memories. No we get to play snow in 3D! Check out these screen grabs!

Image 1, Image 2, Image 3, Image 4, Image 5.

Source: NoriPhd/Dreamcast Fan Magz.

E-102's Enemies... - Zifei 3:45pm CST, 12-3-98
They look...hmm...E-102ish! But now I know why E-102 Gamma's got all those high-tech weapons, he'll need them against E-101, E-103, E-104, and especially E-105. Now, if Sonic and the other characters have to go up against them, I don't know if they'll stand a chance.

Image 1, Image 2, Image 3, Image 4, Image 5.

I can't wait to get my hands on this game! Source: NoriPhd/Dreamcast Fan Magz.

Sonic Adventure Delayed?! - Zifei 3:27pm CST, 12-2-98
Rumors are flying in the Japanese retail stores that Sonic Adventure will be delayed again, here's a quote from Gaming-Age:

Without a doubt the most anticipated title for the Dreamcast, Sonic Adventure, is rumored to be delayed to January of 1999. Some retail shops in Japan have refused pre-orders because they've heard there is a possible delay on the game to January of next year. However Sega is hard at work 24 hours a day hoping to complete the game for its current release date, December 23.

Most likely Sonic Adventure will not be delayed. Why? Because Sega today announced that another great game launching on the same day as SA would be delayed. If SA would also be delayed, Sega would only have 1 great and 6 so so Dreamcast games in time for the shopping season.

All news related to Sonic the Hedgehog are copyright to Sega Enterprise, Archie, DiC Productions and other parties involved. Exclusive news are properties of Sonic News Press and Sonic HQ, they may not be distributed without permission. Special thanks goes out to the people that make this page possible and the Sonic News Press Crew of Sonic HQ (Zifei and Swifty).