Some interesting facts about Mike Vitar

His Astrological Sign is Sagitarius

His parents were born in Cuba

He is the youngest of three children

His mother's parrot, named Cindy, yells out Mike's name whenever the phone rings

He has a vacation home in Palm Springs

Favorite tv showa are the The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air, The Real World, and Living Single

Favorite actors are: Eddie Murphy, Christian Slater, Martin Sheen, Bruce Willis, Keanu Reeves, and Patrick Swayze

Favorite food is Cuban

Loves all sports

Is very romantic

Favorite drink is Gatorade

Favorite school subject is Math

Favorite non-sports related pastime is reading

Favorite movies are comedy and action adventure

Qualities he likes in a girl; a sense of humor, love of adventure, and an understanding personality

He is prous od his Mom, Aurora His brother Pablo is his business manager and played thet older version of "Benny" in The Sandlot Loves all types of music

Would date a fan

Was "discovered" by a talent manager while in line for a ride at his school's annual festival

Woudl LOVE to do a sequel The Sandlot He would LOVE to visit Cuba someday