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Socialist Party Leicester

When and where we meet

We meet weekly, usually on a Thursday evening at 7.30 pm in the City Centre. We also have some meetings in the day for people who have difficulty getting along in the evening. We discuss a different political issue at each meeting as well as organising our campaigning activity. You are welcome to come along, get in touch for further details.
Telephone Leicester (0116) 223 0534 or e-mail stephen.score@ntlworld.com

Coming up:

Thursday 11TH March – To commemorate International Women's Day we look at the history of women's struggles & their battles today – speaker, Josie Nicholls.  Venue: Secular Hall, Humberstone Gate, Leicester.  7:30 pm

Wednesday 17th March – Vietnam, US Empire Defeated, lessons for today.  The author of our book ‘Empire Defeated’, Peter Taaffe, our General Secretary speaks in Nottingham at the Navigation Inn, Wilford Street.  7:30pm Transport will be arranged, contact us for details

Thursday 25th March – Ruth from our LGBT group speaks on the issues of Gay, Lesbian, Bi & Transsexual rights.  Secular Hall, Humberstone Gate, Leicester 7:30pm

Thursday 1st April – Ben Robinson tells us all about dialectics, the Marxist theory of how things change  Secular Hall, Humberstone Gate, Leicester 7:30pm

Thursday 8th April – The US Presidential elections, speaker Scott Herbert.  Secular Hall, Humberstone Gate, Leicester 7:30pm



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Published by Socialist Party, Leicester Branch,
Design by RF.

Last change on 3.3.2004 by SS.