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August 2003 In attendance: Levon, Robert, Miriam, Robbie, Leslie, Gordon, Shawn, Tony, Jill Athletes elected a chair person (Leslie) for this meeting. Athletes then reviewed the minutes from the previous meeting. Current Business: The meeting began with the introduction of a new member, Tony Sacco. Tony currently participates in soccer and hopes to participate in power-lifting. Athletes are eager to see some responses from their last meeting. The idea of posting the minutes on Toronto Special Olympics website was introduced. Members of the committee voted and all were in favour of posting the minutes on the website. Members also discussed the idea of posting their contact information on the website. Some members wouldnft mind having their personal e-mail addresses posted on the website. This issue will be further discussed at the next meeting. The minutes from the last meeting were handed out to each member. Committee members were excited to pass information from the meetings to their fellow athletes and coaches. Athletes took turns reading the minutes, both for the benefit of Tony (who was not at the last meeting), and to review for themselves. Leslie noted hockey and ten pin bowling were missing from the list of sports she is involved with. In addition, members would like to add that they are not only thankful to the support they receive from Olympic Athletes (item 18 from last minutes), but also to fellow teammates, coaches and volunteers. There was some confusion surrounding dates for the meetings. A hard copy of the next date and possible future dates was given to each athlete. Some athletes showed concern about missing practices on Mondays, or other days for that matter. The fall season will see changes to athlete schedules. Possible date changes will be discussed at the next meeting. Athletes received a copy of their roles and responsibilities as members of an Athletefs Committee. Members took turns reading this aloud. Members clarified that as sports reporters they were responsible for relaying news and events to fellow athletes and coaches and also back to the committee. Members each received a copy of the Athlete Committee Representative Agreement. This was reviewed aloud and signed by each athlete. Athletes kept the agreement for their own personal reference. Five of the rights and responsibilities were posted on the board and read aloud. Members felt this would be valuable to refer to during meetings as well: - Everyone is valuable - Itfs o.k. to disagree on some things - Everyone needs a chance to participate - There are times when people donft feel like talking - I am the expert on how I feel Members of the committee would like to have a rotating chairperson beginning at the next meeting. The role of a chairperson is to review the agenda and assist other members to ensure that the meeting runs smoothly and in an organized fashion. Athletes took turns bringing up issues which were then discussed by committee members as a group: Upcoming Events/News/Updates: 1. A memorial will be held for Jennifer Chamberlain in Scarborough. Jennifer will be greatly missed. 2. A Community Council meeting will be held on Wednesday August 13th, 2003 at Metro Hall. 3. Special Olympics Day will be held on September 21st from 2-4p.m at Metro Hall. Members are looking forward to this day. 4. There is a 5-pin bowling tournament on the morning of Sunday September 21st, 2003. There will be carpooling after this tournament to Special Olympics Day. 5. The regional qualifier (10-pin bowling) that was postponed due to S.A.R.S. will be held on October 4th, 2003. Members attending will try their best to qualify for the Provincial Spring Games in Peterborough next year. 6. A talent show is being organized for sometime next year (as can be viewed on the provincial website). The show will display artistic talents of athletes and a silent auction. 7. One athlete had the opportunity to recently attend a Blue Jays game with fellow athletes. They had field level seats and the chance to go into the dugout. Physical/Health Issues & Concerns: 8. Some members feel stress & anxiety when playing in a tournament. Members discussed how this can affect their performances. Members reassured each other that this is a normal response to playing in a competition. Some strategies for relieving nervousness/stress were discussed. These include: i. Deep breathing techniques ii. Taking a walk iii. Drinking some water iv. Going for a run/jog v. Discussing your anxiety with fellow athletes who may be experiencing the same thing (support networks) 9. Some members feel that a little bit of anxiety before and event may be helpful for some athletes to focus. 10. Stress during tournaments may also be aggravated by other teams being immodest (bragging). 11. Some members suggested that B & C levels may feel more stress and need to learn to have fun once in awhile. Another member suggested that people have different ways of focusing on their sports and having fun. 12. Coaches may want to try implementing relaxation techniques for 5 minutes or so before a game to decrease some of the stress felt by athletes. 13. One member wondered about doing activities on his own (such as weightlifting) and how to go about doing this. Many clubs available are inaccessible to him. He feels that no one he has talked to has a point of view on this. 14. Ideas for doing activities on your own (such as weightlifting) were discussed. These included: i. Getting a coach to put a program together for you. ii. Joining a fitness centre (very expensive). iii. Get your own equipment/train at home. 15. Some members feel that athletes should get into shape and cut back on bad habits (ex. Drinking and smoking). 16. Athletes should definitely refrain from eating heavy meals before practices/tournaments. Athletes may become very sick from eating too heavily before physical activity. Budget/Cutbacks/Fundraising: 17. Some members feel that they may be the only region that has to do fundraising. 18. Most athletes do fundraising to support their teams (buying uniforms etc.). 19. Members would like to see a copy of Special Olympics budget to see for themselves where the money is going. Many would like to see that the money is being spent properly. As one member put it: gShow me the money!h. 20. One member, who will be attending the Community Council meeting, will try to pass on concerns generated in this meeting to the people participating in the budget meeting. 21. The idea of fundraising for refreshments during the Athletefs Committee Meeting at Metro Hall was discussed. Athletes recognize that the cost of catered food at Metro Hall is very expensive. One member discussed this issue with Pat Phillips at Metro Hall, who said that you can bring your own refreshments if you desire. Additionally, there is a pop machine in the corridor on the way to the room. Athletes will discuss fundraising again at the next meeting. Athlete Numbers and Recruitment: 22. The committee would like to expand for the benefit of other athletes who would like to join. 23. Again, members express a need for more athletes. 24. School recruitment (as brought up at the last meeting) needs to promote Special Olympics as fun and enjoyable. Athletes do speaking engagements to get this point across. 25. There are a lack of athletes for the upcoming power-lifting club. Members feel that power-lifting needs more advertising. 26. Region 11 has only two baseball teams (Grand Ravine and Etobicoke). These two teams have to play against each other regularly. Members showed concern for losing players to other teams (all of the D team was lost and the C team folded). Some athletes miss participating in baseball. Members wondered whether the location of Greenwood and Vancouver Avenue was a poor location for athletes to access. Other Important Issues: 27. One athlete wondered why celebrities get involved with Special Olympics. Members are thankful to celebrities for their generosity and support. Members confer that celebrities get involved because they like what Special Olympics stands for. 28. One member discussed the fact that he is considering a switch to a more accessible soccer team. He had the opportunity to attend a practice and he was impressed with the teamfs skills and the respect that they had for each other. 29. The possibility that a meeting may be cancelled due to inclement weather (such as snow) was raised. Members felt a solution would be to move the meeting to the following Monday. 30. Sometimes players still display poor sportsmanship. This affects both coaches and fellow athletes. 31. Members inquired about the role of a facilitator in these meetings. It was explained that the facilitator is a link between the athletes and Special Olympics staff. The facilitator records meeting minutes, types them up and relays them to Special Olympics staff. The facilitator also brings materials and responses back to the athletes that are generated from Special Olympics staff. A facilitator may also assist members of the committee in finding ways that they can elaborate on their ideas/concerns (if necessary), or encourage members to come up with possible solutions to concerns they are having. 32. Some members wondered why Marcia was not present at the meetings. Responses generated by athletes were that Marcia was very busy and that the position of facilitator is given to a volunteer. 33. Years ago Special Olympics did not have opportunities like these meetings and the athletes feel it is a great idea. They would like to have representatives from different sports. One member suggested that winter will bring representatives from different sports. Members are also enjoying meeting athletes form other sports at the meetings. 34. Athletes discussed the many victories that they have had over the past month in their specific sports. Athletes supported each other in victories and disappointments. 35. Athletes discussed roles as athlete speakers for those who may be interested: i. Speeches (ex. Master of ceremonies; schools and organizations) ii. Interviews for the media iii. Delivering Athletefs Oath iv. Helping to run clinics Athlete speakers undergo formal training for these positions. 36. The Athlete phone line was discussed. The number for this phone line is (416) 447-8326, extension # 333. Many athletes would like to be involved in making announcements on the phone line. Athletes will think about topics that they would like to be made available on the phone line. Athletes recognize the importance of getting information out to fellow athletes. The next meeting will take place on Monday September 8th, 2003 Home || Sports || Events || Volunteering || Donations || Links || Contact Us |