Our Adopted Halloween Family
This is our special Adopted Halloween family. We have them in our adopted family section with a link back to where you can adopt you own and then we brought them here to so they could be able to enjoy there most favorite Holiday...

This is our limited adopted special Pixie "Hallowed." She is very special as she is also celebratin' her B-day the month we celebrate ours and she is also Number 8 and that is the day of our B-day......What a special treat she is to us.

This is our cute adopted pumpkins....they are so excited to be here tht they re doin' the Pumpkin Mash dance just for you.

This is our cute adopted Miss Vampie who has come to this page to tease you..........Beware she loves to do tricks.

This is our cute adopted Dragon "Twicker" Who just loves to pass out treats to all the kids and than hopes to get some for himself........... Don't you just love his costme? We made it light and bright so all will be able to see him this Halloween and he will be sfe. We hope your costume will be a safe one to.

We adopted this special Moon Goddess to watch over you this Halloween and keep you safe as you go out and get all them Trick and Treats.