O God, when I thought that thou had failed me, and thou took my hnd and led the way.
For each time that thou hast guarded me, each time I went astray, so humbly I give thanks to Thee, on this Thanksgiving Day.
For the plenty food I eat, for the fuel my house to heat;
For the ones I love so dear, for my friends both far and near, so humbly I give thanks to Thee, on this Thanksgiving Day.
For all the things thou gavest me ll the year around:
For all the changing seasons, with all their beauty found.
For humble heart I'm greatful, for it means mor to me then wealth.
For all the times that I was ill and you restored me to good health: Sso humbly I give thanks to Thee, on this Thanksgiving Day.
For his excellency our president: for all the countless problems he must face;
For the skillful way he handles them. and we bow our head in grace.
For this Counrty we truely love where each one gets his fill;
For the fishes in our streams and the game that is on the hill.
For every sound of laughter, from every child tis heard:
For our lovely fields and meadows, for the song of bird. So humbly I give thanks to Thee, on this Thanksgiving Day.
For many famous hospitls and the cry of each new born;
For our institutions, dairy farms and our plenty fields of corn.
For our right to worship God, in the one church of our choice;
For the choirs, hymns of prise, and the note from every voice;
For every priest and reverend for whom God's prises sing;
For every bit of chariety that a greatful heart can bring. So humbly I give thanks to Thee, on this Thanksgiving Day.