*  The Spike + Buffy Archives


Spike + Buffy Encounters

These are basic transcripts of the various encounters of Buffy and Spike.
It took me about 4-5 hours to complete all of this so please don't directly copy
the Encounter Transcripts. I did not include the cuts to other parts of the show, just the parts where Buffy and Spike were together.  These are not episode transcripts they are simply transcripts of parts that include Buffy and Spike.  If you notice any mistakes than please e-mail me all the things that you find wrong and I will do my best to fix them.
E-mail me at  Spike.Buffy@mailexcite.com

Disclaimer:  I claim no rights to the dialogues of The Encounters, I did not write them, I simply transcribed them.  No copyright infringements intended.

  • School Hard: Encounter #1
  •  School Hard: Encounter #2
  •  School Hard: Encounter #3
  • School Hard: Encounter #4
  •  Halloween: Encounter #5
  •  Halloween: Encounter #6
  •  Lie to Me: Encounter #7
  •  What's My Line: Encounter #8
  •  What's My Line: Encounter #9
  • Becoming Coming Soon!

  • School Hard: Encounter #1


    Buffy is fighting a vampire that was attacking a poor victim.  The vampire is pathetically loosing.  Buffy sees Spike lurking in the shadows and she also notices Xander holding a stake.

      Xander:  Buffy!

     Xander throws the stake to Buffy and she easily catches it.  Swiftly, she plunges the stake
    into the vampire's heart.  He than turns to dust.  Spike comes out of the shadows and is clapping.
    Buffy gives Spike a confused look.

      Spike:  Nice work, love.

      Buffy:  Who are you?

      Spike:  You'll find out on Saturday.

      Buffy:  What happens on Saturday?

      Spike:  I kill you.

    Buffy doesn't say a word as Spike leaves.

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  • School Hard: Encounter #2


    Joyce has just got finished talking with Principal Snyder and is very mad.  She has just ordered Buffy to get into the car.  Buffy and Willow exchange worried looks.  Buffy begins to leave with her mom and she turns her head to look at Principal Snyder, he is turning off lights.  They walk out of the room.  Two vampires crash through a window and Buffy looks back into the room.  More vampires have appeared and they run into the room.  Panic explodes as the people begin to run around in terror.

      Spike:  What can I say? I couldn't wait.

    They are now in the lounge.  Spike attacks Buffy, but Buffy fights him off by throwing a chair at him.  He trips.  Buffy than runs out of the room and grabs her mother.  They run down the hall, but vampires are also there.  Back into the lounge Spike has claimed a male victim.

     Spike:  Nobody gets out! Especially the girl!

    The scene moves to the hall, Buffy runs to the exit, but another vampire is there.

      Buffy:  Everybody, this way! C'mon! C'mon!

     Principal Snyder and two other people come running.  There are two vampires chasing after them and Buffy pushing a cleaning cart into the vampires.

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    School Hard: Encounter #3


    Spike senses somebody behind him.  Spike is holding a pole.
    Spike:  Fe, Fi, Fo Fum. I smell the blood of a nice ripe (turns to face
      Buffy) girl.

      Buffy:  (she is holding an ax) Do we really need weapons for this?

      Spike:  I just like them. They make me feel all manly.

    Spike drops the pole he is carrying

      Spike:  The last Slayer I killed... she begged for her life.

      Slowly, Buffy walks towards him, not taking her glance from him.

      Spike:  You don't strike me as the begging kind.

      Buffy:  You shouldn'ta come here.

      Spike:  No. I've messed up your doilies and stuff. But I just got so
      bored. (smirks) I'll tell you what. As a personal favor from me to you
      I'll make it quick. It won't hurt a bit.

      Buffy:  No, Spike. It's gonna hurt a lot.

    Spike and Buffy begin to fight. The shot than cuts to outside where Angel and Xander are fighting off vampires.  The shot cuts back to the hall. Buffy and Spike are hitting each other. Spike than throws Buffy into a wall.

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  • School Hard: Encounter #4


    Same setting as above.
      Buffy and Spike keep fighting. It cuts to  outside. A vampire has Xander by
      the neck. Angel punches the female vampire and she let's go of Xander. The other vamps get up  and run  from the fight.

      Back to the hall.. Buffy ducks as Spike tries to punch her.  She than punches Spike four in a row. Spike grabs her by the arm and shoves her into the wall. She
      slides down the wall as Spike's  punches and his fist  goes through the wall.
      She than gets behind him and punches him hard in the neck.

      Spike:  Now, that hurt!

      Spike pulls his arm from the wall, ripping a stud out of the wall too.  He swings the stud at Buffy's face.  It hits her and she sails back to the floor.

      Spike:  But not as much as this will.

     Spike is now standing  over Buffy   and swings  the stud back to hit her, but he gets hit in the head with an ax .   He is sent to the floor and he looks up to see who hit him.  He sees Joyce, who is standing above him, preparing to hit him again.

      Joyce:  You get the hell away from my daughter!

    Spike protects himself from the ax with the stud.  Buffy gets to her feet.
      Spike:  Women!

      Spike gets up and quickly exits through the broken window.

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      Halloween: Encounter #5

    The setting is the warehouse.  Buffy (17 Th. century girl), Xander (soldier), Angel, and Cordelia are all in their trying to escape the vampires.  They manage to get in.  Two monsters are holding back Xander and Angel as Spike begins to walk closer to Buffy.  She backs away, trembling in fear.

      Spike:  Look at you. Shaking. Terrified. Alone. Lost little lamb.

    Buffy backs up and a crate is behind her.  She has nowhere left to go.
     Spike  slaps her across the face with the back of his hand.

      Spike:  I love it.

    Angel tries to get out of the monster's grasp.

      Angel:  Buffy!

    Spike has Buffy by the throat and pushes her backwards onto the crate.
    Spike grabs Buffy's hair and is about to bite her neck.

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    Halloween: Encounter #6

    The spell has just been lifted and all the people who were transformed have been changed back.

    Spike looks over at the scared children.   Spike pulls Buffy's hair to bring her neck to him, but he pulls off a wig.  He looks at Buffy as she gets up from the crate and smiles.

      Buffy:  Hi, honey. I'm home.

    Buffy punches Spike in the gut, than twice in the face.  She than kicks him in the chest
    and he staggers back into a set of stairs.  He picks up a piece of pipe and swings it for Buffy.
    Buffy catches the end of it and pulls it around so he is forced to the crate that she was against.
    She swings it at his jaw and then she hits him in the stomach.  He falls in pain.
     Buffy:  You know what? It's good to be me.

    She hits him underneath the chin, causing him to fly back into the crate and than slide onto the floor.
    Buffy has stopped fighting.  Spike gets up and growls, he than leaves quickly.

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    Lie to Me: Encounter #7


    Ford has tricked Buffy into falling into his trap.   They are now in a basement with all the unknowing victims as Ford's plan to give Buffy to Spike begins to unfold.  Ford punches Buffy  and she falls to the bottom of the stairs.  He comes down the stairs after her and punches her in the back while she is trying to get up and once again she is on the floor.
    Outside Spike and the vamps opening up the door.  Chantarelle goes up the stairs to meet them.
    Buffy is knocked out on the floor.  Chantarelle is now up at the top of the steps just as the door opens.  Spike walks in all vamped out and smiles.  He gives off a threatening noise (a roar, growl thing) and Chantarelle is scared, but doesn't move.  He rips off her choker and Chantarelle begins to cry.

      Spike:  Take them all. Save the Slayer for me.

    Vampires are running down the stairs to the victims and start biting people and feeding.
    Spike than grabs Chantarelle by her neck and bites her viciously.  Buffy wakes up and gets up, but Ford attempts to hit her with a crowbar.  Buffy grabs his arm and pulls him around and he hits his head on a pillar.  Ford falls unconscious on the floor.  Buffy glances at all 'incidents' taking place and she sees Drusilla, who is all alone on a balcony.  She runs and jumps off of a couch and gets to the balcony railing.  She climbs up and grabs Drusilla from behind,  holding a stake to her heart.
     Buffy:  Spike!

    Spike stops sucking at Chantarelle and looks at Buffy holding a stake to his beloved.

     Spike:  Everybody stop!

      All the vampires stop feeding on their victims.

      Buffy:  Good idea. Now you let everyone out, or your girlfriend fits in
      an ashtray.

      Drusilla:   Spike? (she is scared)

      Spike:  It's gonna be all right, baby. Let them go!

    All the vamps have let their victims go and they are running up the stairs and out the door.

      Buffy:  Down the stairs.

    Spike slowly walks back down.  Buffy pushes Drusilla in front of her.  She still has the stake poised at her heart.  When Buffy is at the top of the stairs she looks at Spike and than at Drusilla.  Buffy than shoves Dru down the stairs to Spike.  Spike catches Dru as Buffy runs to the door and leaves.
    Spike starts to go after her, but Buffy closes the door behind her.  Spike than slams himself up against it.  He looks for the door handle or a way to open the door.

     Spike:  Uh, where's the doorknob?

  •  Back to Encounter Index


     What's My Line Part 2: Encounter #8


    Willy has just brought  Buffy to Spike in the church where the ritual to make
    Drusilla healthy again is taking place.  In order to do this they must use the blood of Dru's sire, Angel, and he will die.  Spike is angry that Willy was stupid enough to bring the slayer here during the ritual.  The order of  Terraka and some vamps are also there.

    Buffy sees Angel in pain.  He is bound to Drusilla and their hands are clasped together, united by a dagger stabbed into them.
     Buffy:  (whispers) Angel.

      Spike:  Yeah. (walks towards Buffy) It bugs me, too, seeing him like
      that. Another five minutes, though, and Angel will be dead, so... I
      forebear. Don't feel too bad for Angel, though, he's got something you
      don't have.

      Buffy:  (is furious) What's that?

      Spike:  Five minutes. Patrice!

    Patrice  gets out her gun.  Buffy tries to get away from the vamp holding her.
    The door flies  open and in comes Kendra doing back flips, she than ends in a double kick as one foot hits one vamp, her other foot hits the other vamp.  The vampires fall to the floor.  As they fall they push Buffy into Spike and Spike falls.  Kendra lands on her feet, in total fighting mode.  She quickly runs over to Spike as he is getting up.  She unites with Buffy who is getting prepared to fight him.
     Spike:  Who the hell is this?!

     Kendra grabs Spike by the shirt..

      Buffy:  It's your lucky day, Spike.

      Kendra:  Two Slayers! (punches him)

      Buffy:  No waiting! (punches  him)

    Spike falls, but quickly gets up.  Buffy goes to fight Patrice and Kendra is fighting Spike.
    Buffy is having a hard time fighting Patrice, to top that off a vamp starts to attack her, but doesn't have the chance because a flying fatality strikes and he falls to dust.  Buffy looks over to see Giles holding the cross bow.  Buffy begins to fight with Patrice again.  Buffy notices Kendra is getting knocked around quite bad.

    Buffy:  Switch!

    Buffy bends over and Kendra rolls over Buffy's back and faces Patrice.
    She wastes no time, and lands a punch knocking her into a wall.
    Buffy is facing Spike.

      Spike:  I'd rather be fightin' you anyway.

      Buffy:  Mutual.

    She blocks his hit and then kicks him in the face and than kicks him in the gut.
    He falls to the floor.


    Spike goes to punch Buffy, but Buffy blocks it.  He punches again and than again, landing punches
    to her stomach and face.  She blocks his next punch and she grabs his arm.  She then punches him twice in the face.  Buffy grabs Spike's coat and pulls him around and than throws him over several pews, forcing him to be knocked into a wall.  Willy is behind another pew, he gets up.  Spike gets up and he sees Willy about to leave.  Spike goes over to Willy and grabs him by the back of his neck.

       Spike:  Where are you going?

    While Spike is doing that Buffy goes to where Angel  and  Drusilla are and
    pulls the dagger from their clasped hands.

      Willy:  Now, there's a way in which this isn't my fault!

      Spike:  They tricked you.

      Willy:  Mm-hm! They were duplicitous!

      Spike:  Well, then I'll only kill you just this once.

    Spike lowers his face for a bite.

      Drusilla:   Spike! (Drusilla says weakly)

    Spike doesn't bite Willy.  Spike sees Buffy untying Dru and Angel.
    Spike lets go of  Willy and rushes over to them.  Spike grabs Buffy and throws her to the floor.
    He backhands her when she tries to get back up and she falls again.  Willy than runs from the church.

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    What's My Line Part 2: Encounter #9


    Same setting as above.
    Kendra has won the fight against Patrice.  She has threw her into a cabinet in front of the organ and it smashes to pieces.  She now runs over to join the others who are fighting off vamps and stuff.  Spike.  Spike takes a torch form the wall and sets a pile of old curtains on fire.

      Xander:  Look out!

    Spike gets Drusilla from Angel.

     Spike:  Sorry, baby. Gotta go.

     Spike lifts her into his arms and begins to leave.

    Spike:  Hope that was enough.

    Angel falls to the floor.  Buffy crawls to Angel when she sees
    Spike about to escape.  She takes the censer from the altar and swings it around
    by the chain and throws it at Spike.  It hits him in the back of the head and he falls onto the church organ.  It collapses under him.

      Buffy:  I'm good!

    The organ's structure has totally collapses onto Dru and Spike.

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