The Orlando Diaries - a 120-page glimpse into what goes on in the mind of an 18-19 year old when he gets thrust into a big city and learns to live for himself and have a social life. Broken up into small routines. "This is talent like Mozart." - Anisa. $5.
The City - distills certain parts of The Orlando Diaries into a 10ish-page cohesive story. $3.
American Disease - a haphazard collection of recent works cataloging the beautiful decay of America. $3.
Rants and Other Vitriol - Slam-style pieces, hate poetry, deconstructionist bulldada, jackals, false grails. $3.
The Summer of our Discontent - cataloging three continuous months of alcohol and other substances; love lost and regained and lost again; favor; things won. $3.
Men - a play I've been writing for 4 years. It's still not done. But still of interest. $3.
The Lost Gospels - sad and fragmentary poems and thoughts, scrawled on napkins and scraps of paper while intoxicated. Possibly the most interesting thing here. Included with every order, a personalized scrawled poem! $3.
Email me if you want to order something.