DDR Wertmessziffer System

Dogs breed surveyed in the DDR were assigned a series of numbers used to describe the dog's physical and mental charcteristics. Have you ever wondered what the series of 6 numbers actually mean? The following table is a translation of the system (no guarantees) so you may decipher any dog's körung. An ideal schutzhund or working dog's Körung would read 5555/55. A dog rated from ***3/33 to ***7/33 may still be useful as a police or military dog.

First digit Second digit Third digit Fourth digit Fifth digit Sixth digit
Value Body type compared to standard Constitution Structure Temperament Sharpness Courage and hardness
0 little resemblance delicate, weak cryptorchid nervous, shy ... ...
1 poor representative deficient sexual characteristics poor angulation or poor chest spooky, timid, noise sensitive none none
2 too light teeth or pigment fault faulty leg proportions insecure, fearful at times, possible sharp present present
3 too tall coat faulty average angulation reserved, suspicious, or agressive sufficient sufficient
4 sufficient maturing problems good angulation aggressive, sharp, hard, dangerous good good
5 average ideal excellent relaxed, friendly, very hard when provoked very good very good
6 powerful coarse, resilient good build, good chest relaxed, friendly, hard when provoked ... ...
7 too short weak musculature, or ears stretched body relaxed, friendly, sensitive ... ...
8 heavy spongy over angulated relaxed, friendly, indifferent, little sharpness ... ...
9 coarse crippled excess of all above points soft, indifferent, depressed, no sharpness ... ...

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