
When a person has difficulties in service to G-d, real difficulties, difficulties that he/she cannot see a way out of, This can be interpreted as their true service to G-d being brought out.

Rav Hutner z'l answered a student's letter a similar message. The student wrote that he was having real difficulties, and emphasized that they were real and serious, that this was not some frivolous request for help. Rav Hutner answered the student that this was the real service to G-d. If it were not so difficult, the real service would not be arising.

This message is echoed by many great teachers.

So why does this question rise for so many people? The Lubavitcher Rebbe once said in a sicha, that all problems are rooted in "Ich" or ego. It is an argument of the ego that "I should have an easy time of it. I should have all the benefits and pleasures in this world." The great Rabbis say that this is not necessarily so, and in fact true service to G-d will be found in difficult times. We need to welcome them and if it means doing a mitzvah to pursue them. In interpersonal mitzvot, this may mean saying or doing something that is difficult, or forcing oneself to grow in a way that will increase his/her interpersonal capabilities. In Torah, it may mean giving up a time As one considers the difference between a person who says at the pivotal point where his difficulties seem overwhelming that he/she will continue the fight versus one who gives up the fight, it becomes clear that difficulties are a catalyst to growth and greater things.

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