


2300 - 2363        

( the years in between the Classic and Next Generation eras )

2301    A good year for Klingon blood wine.   (according to O'Brien in "Images in the Sand")

2304   Tuvok goes through pon farr and marries T'Pel.  (67 years before "Ex Post Facto")

2305   Jean Luc Picard is born in France.

2309    An excellent year for Klingon blood wine  ("Treachery, Faith and the Great River", "Once More Into the Breach", "What You Leave Behind" )

2311   The Tomed Incident between forces of the Romulan Star Empire and the United Federation of Planets.  (53 years before "Neutral Zone")

2324  Beverly Crusher is born on Luna. ("Conundrum")

June 2331    Joseph Sisko meets Sarah in Jackson Square in New Orleans.   Two months alter they are married.   (date given in "Images in the Sand")

2333  Benjamin Sisko is born in New Orleans on Earth.    2 days after he is born, Sarah Sisko disappears.  She moves to Australia and works there as a holo-photographer.   (2 years into Joseph and Sarah Sisko's marriage according to "Images in the Sand")

2335  William Riker (and Thomas Riker for that matter) is born in Valdez, Alaska.

Geordi LaForge is born in the African Confederation on Earth.  ("Cause and Effect")

2336   Deanna Troi is born on Betazed.

Also during 2336, Joseph Sisko, after some investigation, discovers that his former wife, Sarah had moved to Australia.  However, about a month before Joseph found this out, she had been killed in a hovercraft accident.

2337  Tasha Yar is born on Turkana IV.

February 2, 2338   Data is permanently re-activated.  (Star Trek.com website character profile).

2340  Worf is born on Qo'noS.  (derived from "The Bonding")

Ro Laren is born on Bajor.

2341  Jadzia is born on the Trill Homeworld.  She will later be joined with the Dax symbiont.

Julian Bashir is born on Earth.

April 9, 2342  Picard fails to meet up with his girlfriend at Cafe Des Artistes in Paris.   ("We'll Always Have Paris")

2343   Kira Nerys is born on Bajor.

2344   The Enterprise-C is destroyed near Narendra III.  (It's destruction prevents the formation of an alternate timeline which would have produced a massive Klingon / Federation war)

2345   Martok's application to become a Klingon officer is rejected by Kor.    (30 years before "Once More Into the Breach")

Odo first takes humanoid form.  (30 years before "Chimera")

During this period of time, the Klingons and Romulans have grown to distrust each other.   Their relationship would degenerate into hostilities within the next year, and would not improve until they found themselves on the same side of the Dominion War in 2374.   (speculation based on sequence of events)

2346   Romulan forces attack a Klingon outpost in what becomes known as the Khitomer massacre.

Unknown to the Klingon Empire, 100 Klingons are taken prisoner at Khitomer and are taken to a prison camp in the Carraya system.  ("Birthright, Parts I and II")

Kira Nerys' mother passes away.

2348    Picard becomes romantically involved with Miranda Vigo.  (24 years before "Bloodlines")

2349    Wesley Crusher is born.        Harry Kim is born.

2350    Koval, the future leader of the Romulan Tal-Shiar, suffers a great personal loss.   His family is killed in a Klingon attack.

2353    The message that the Borg drones sent from 2153 is finally received in the Delta Quadrant (200 years after "Regeneration" - Enterprise )

During his time at Starfleet Academy, Benjamin Sisko ends up in a quarrel with his Vulcan classmate, Solok while visiting the Launching Pad, the Academy bar.   Irritated, and perhaps a little intoxicated, Sisko challenges Solok to a wrestling match in an attempt to prove that Vulcans are not superior to humans.  The effort results in Sisko being taken to the infirmary with both physical injuries and a deflated ego.  (date is speculation based on "Take me Out to the Holosuite")

Ilario, who will later become a Starfleet lieutenant and be assigned to Deep Space Nine, is born.  (22 years before "Field of Fire")

2355  Jake Sisko is born.

2359  Worf and K'Ehleyr have an unresolved romantic relationship. 

2360   Sarina first goes to live at the Institute.   (15 years prior to "Chrysalis")

The year when Mr. Greer, Sloan's cover identity, started working as a low level bureaucrat for UFP Cartography.  (15 years before "Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges")

2363   U.S.S. Enterprise (NCC-1701-D) completes assembly at the Utopia Planetia shipyards.  ("Encounter at Farpoint")

Neelix's home planet is devastated and his family killed.  (11 years prior to "Mortal Coil" - VGR)


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