Tribbles are small furry fuzzballs about 6 inches in
diameter. They are warm-blooded bisexual mammals capable of reproducing at
an incredible rate. In fact, they are born pregnant. They will not have the
energy to reproduce without food, however. A serum to negate their
reproductive abilities was discovered by Dr. Leonard McCoy, and now they are
quite common pets throughout the Federation. Tribbles enjoy humanoid
company, and will purr if content. For some unknown reason, Tribbles do not
like Klingons, and will shriek loudly if even exposed to one. Tribbles will
return the affection shown them by humanoids by somehow empathically
projecting feelings of peace and relaxation.
Note that without a dose of the "anti-pregnancy" serum,
they will breed normally - with all the obvious results. They live about as
long as the average well-kept Terran guinea pig.
GURPS: Bestiary should provide GM’s with enough regular
creatures, but some -really- interesting ones are available in GURPS: Space
Bestiary and GURPS: Fantasy Bestiary.
GM’s with access to GURPS: Uplift, GURPS: Humanx, GURPS:
Book of the New Sun, GURPS: Discworld, or any other universe sourcebooks
have an even broader palette to paint from. In addition, feel free to design
your own creatures for your characters to encounter.
GM’s can also adapt other gaming materials for use in
GURPS: Trek campaigns. Leading Edge Games "Aliens" game would be a rather
tough example. Several others exist.
Almost anything you can imagine exists somewhere. The Trek
universe seems to be unusually fertile breeding grounds for creatures of
every description. Some races have even experimented with genetic
constructions, such as the Klingon "Glommer", or Tribble Predator.