Enlisted Persons

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Enlisted Personnel in
Star Trek: The Role Playing Game

The basic rules of Star Trek: The Role-Playing Game assume all the player characters to be graduates of the Star Fleet Academy and therefore to be officers. However, no military is 100% officers, not even Starfleet. Most Starfleet personnel are enlisted or petty officers (e.g. Chief Miles O'Brien from Star Trek: The Next Generation was not an officer but was a Chief Petty Officer, many of the "technicians" in the blue coveralls from the Classic Star Trek were also probably enlisted personnel. Occassionally, someone was referred to as Chief or as Technician 1st Class... these are enlisted ranks... Chief Petty Officer and Petty Officer 1st Class respectively.) Why would someone want to play an enlisted person instead of an officer? On a smaller vessel, many department head or contact team positions will be filled by senior grade enlisted personnel, also, as the Chief O'Brien character shows, enlisted persons can make fine adjuncts to commisioned characters. This system can also be used to create detailed NPC enlisted persons.

Basic Training (all branches) (0.5 years)

Computer Operation - 10
Language (Galanglic) - 10
Life Sciences (any) - 5
Physical Sciences (any) - 5
Planetary Sciences (any) - 5
Social Sciences
(Federation Culture and History) - 10
(Federation History) - 10

Advanced Training (all branches) (0.5 years)

Space Sciences
Astrogation -10
Astronautics -10
Damage Control Procedures - 15
Environmental Suit Operations - 15
Marksmanship (Modern Weapon) - 20
Personal Combat (Unarmed) - 20
Starship Sensors - 10
Zero-G Operations - 10

Advanced Study = INT/2 (round down)
Rating = 1d10
Choices = Only in Skills already known

Branch Skills (1 year)


Communications Systems Operation - 20
Communications Systems Technology - 15
Computer Technology - 10
Damage Control Procedures - 15
Language (any) - 10
Culture and History (any) - 10


Computer Operation - 10
Technology Skills (any "x" Technology) - 50 total
Space Sciences (Astronautics) - 10

Pilot (Helm)

Shuttlecraft Pilot - 15
Space Sciences
Astrogation - 10
Astronautics - 10
Starship Helm Operations - 20
Starship Sensors - 10
Starship Weaponry Operation - 20
Starship Weaponry Technology - 10
Warp Drive Technology - 10


Environmental Suit Operations - 20
Markmanship (archaic) - 10
Markmanship (modern) - 20
Personal Combat (armed) - 10
Personal Combat (unarmed) - 20
Personal Weapons Technology - 10
Planetary Survival (any) - 10
Vehicle Operation (grav vehicle) - 20
Zero-G Operations - 15

Marine Combat Engineer

Communications Systems Technology - 10
Demolitions - 10
Electronics Technology - 10
Environmental Suit Operations - 20
Marksmanship (modern) - 10
Mechanical Engineering - 10
Personal Combat (unarmed) -10
Personal Weapons Technology - 10
Small Equipment Systems Operation - 10
Small Equipment Systems Technology - 10
Transporter Operation Procedures - 10
Transporter Systems Technology - 10
Vehicle Operation (grav vehicle) - 20
Zero- G Operations - 10
Specialties (any of the above) - 25 total


Computer Operation - 10
Life Sciences - any 3 at 10
Life Support Systems Technology - 15
Medical Sciences
General Medicine
(specialty race) - 20
(other races) - total of 20
(specialty race) - 20
(other races) - total of 20
Other specialities - total of 20
Small Equipment Systems Operations - 10


Computer Operation - 10
Deflector Shield Operation - 20
Deflector Shield Technology - 10
Space Sciences
Astrogation - 20
Astronautics - 10
Astrophysics - 10
Starship Helm Operations - 10
Starship Sensors - 10


Computer Operation - 15
Computer Technology - 10
Electronics Technology - 10
Environmental Suit Operations - 10
Sciences (any except Medical or Social)
Related majors - any two at 20
Related minors - any two at 15
Other fields - any two at 10
Any field - total of 15
Starship Sensors - 15


Environmental Suit Operations - 10
Marksmanship (Modern Weapon) - 20
Personal Combat (unarmed) - 20
Person Combat (armed) - 20
Personal Weapons Technology - 10
Security Procedures - 20
Small Unit Tactics - 10
Shuttlecraft Pilot - 10

Advanced Training = 5
Rating = 1d10
Choice = Skills already known

Graduation Results

01-05 = Honors, posted to OCS
06-15 = Honors, promoted to E2
16-00 = Passed, promoted to E1

LUC 70+ = -10
LUC 60-69 = -5
LUC 01-40 = +5

Officer Candidate School (1 year)

Administration - 20
Computer Operation - 15
Instruction - 10
Leadership - 20
Starship Combat Strategy and Tactics - 20
Small Unit Tactics - 20

Advanced Study = INT
Rating = 1d10
Choice = any skills

OCS grads use the Officer Generation Procedures beginning at step 5

Number of Tours Served

Die Roll = 1d10/2 (round down) min. of 1

INT 60+ -1 tour
LUC 60+ -1 tour
LUC 40- +1 tour
Destined Rank
E1-E3 -1 tour
E4-E6 No Modifier
E7 +1 tour
E8 +2 tours
E9 +3 tours

Tour Assignment (all tours)

01-10 Starship Operations Command
11-20 Galaxy Exploration Command
21-30 Military Operations Command
31-60 Colonial Operations Command
61-80 Starbase Operations Command
81-00 Merchant Marine Command

INT 70+ -10
INT 60-69 -5
LUC 70+ -10
LUC 60-69 -5

Tour Length = 1d10/2 (round down) years min. of 1

Overall Efficiency Rating (OER)

Die Roll = d%

01-10 Outstanding (eligible for decoration)
11-25 Excellent
26-75 As Expected
76-90 Fair
90-00 Poor

INT 60+ -10
LUC 70+ -10
LUC 60-69 -5

Skill Advancement

Number = As Below
Rating = 1d10
Choice = only skills already known

For Service
Per 2 years active duty - 1 roll
Per 2 years Starship Operations Command - 1 extra roll
Per Tour on a Starbase - 1 extra roll in Administration
Per Tour in Merchant Marine or Starbase - 1 extra roll in Carousing or Streetwise
INT 70+ 2 extra rolls
INT 60-69 1 extra roll
LUC 70+ 2 extra rolls
LUC 60-69 1 extra roll




Original Materials, design, HTML and all JAVA related software on this site are copyright © 1983-1999 Andrew Gelbman, All Rights Reserved. Portions of this material are copyright © 1966-1999 Paramount Pictures Corporation, All Rights Reserved, Used with Permission. Portions of this material are © 1983-1999 FASA corporation, All Rights Reserved, Used with Permission. Portions of this Material are © 1983-1999 Steve Jackson Games, All Rights Reserved, Used with Permission. No portion of this material may be reproduced in any form without the expressed permission of Andrew Gelbman. All persons, places and events mentioned on this site are fictional or are used fictiously. Any resemblence to actual persons, places or events is purely coincidental. Star Trek and related imagery and terminology are trademarks of Paramount Pictures Corporation. The mention of any trademarked or copyrighted material on this site is not to be construed as a challenge to said trademark or copyright.