Nelson Class Scout
![fed_dd.jpg (59223 bytes)](images/fed_dd.jpg)
Class and Type: Nelson-class
Commissioning Date: 2255 (Type I), 2270 (Type II)
Lead Engineer: Thomas
Hull Characteristics
Size: 4 (122 meters long, 8 decks)
Resistance: 2
Structural Points: 80
Operational Characteristics
Crew/Passengers: 90/240 (Type I)
Crew/Passengers: 100/260 (Type II)
[3 pwr/round]
Computers: 3
[3 pwr/round]
Transporters: 4 personnel, 2 cargo, 2 emergency
[4 pwr/round]
Tractor Beams: 1 fd, 1 fv
[2 pwr/rating used]
Propulsion and Power Characteristics
Warp System: 5.0/6.0/8.0 (12 hours) (Type I) (in old warp factors)
Warp System: 6.0/7.0/8.5 (12 hours) (Type II)
[2 pwr/warp factor]
Impulse System: .6 c/.8 c (Type I)
[6/8 pwr/round]
Impulse System: .75 c/.9 c (Type II)
[7/9 pwr/round]
Power: 60 (Type I)
Power: 80 (Type II)
Sensor Systems
Long-range Sensors: +3/20 light-years
[6 pwr/round]
Lateral Sensors: +3/2 light-years
[4 pwr/round]
Navigational Sensors: +3
[5 pwr/round]
Sensor Skill: 5
Weapons Systems
Type VI Phaser (old style): (Type I)
Range: 10/10,000/50,000/100,000
Arc: All (720 degrees)
Accuracy: 5/6/9/10
Damage: 8
Power: [8]
Type VI Phaser: (Type II)
Range: 10/30,000/100,000/300,000
Arc: All but aft
Accuracy: 5/6/7/12
Damage: 10
Power: [10]
Weapons Skill: 4
Defensive Systems
Starfleet Deflector Shield
Protection: 10/15 (Type I)
Power: [10]
Protection: 18/30 (Type II)
Power: [18]
Description and Notes
Noteworthy vessels / service records / encounters: