Hello this is the Star Base for (aka Rick051)

I am new to the web an am finding good friends an great places to visit. This site will tell you all about me an the things i like to do. So visit often an new things will be added.

I would like to thank the Web Mistress for building this page for me Lady Jane many thanks an a safe trip to the galaxies an beyond !!

But don't forget to sign the Guest Book before you leave.
Thanks for stopping bye.

Places I Visit When in Town

Rick051's Docking Station

Visit the Captian's Quarters

Please visit some of my friends Docking Stations while you are here ....

Fantasy Dreams an Fairies

More Alien Pages

Sci-Fi Weekly

FreeZone for Sci-Fi

Above The Blue Horzion

Sign up for Mars Mission

Osterman's Final Frontier

NASA Space Simulator

UFO Stories

The Crop Circle Connector

The National Institute of Discovery Science

UFO Mailing List Updates

Free Guestbook from Bravenet.com Free Guestbook from Bravenet.com

Rick Breese

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