"Lust is when you love what you see. Love is when you lust for what's inside...."

dark dangerous desires
unspeakable tenderness
and painfully slow love
obliterate the senses

hard denim yielding
to smooth silk and soft flesh
teeth nibbling at a neck
hands everywhere
driving blindly towards madness
.....and beyond

a rough palm against delicate fragrant skin
creating friction....fire
evoking a need
clever experienced fingers

steamy molten breath
torn ragged from bruised lips
as a low moan erupts from the depths of lust
the aroma heady
the pleasure thick
the midnight dark

slipping into some erotic half-world
engulfed in the flames of seduction
there is only sensations

and the need for more.....

Copyright © Stormy 2000

A Special THANK YOU to my Dear Friend Star*Shine
for the beautiful gift of these graphics.
Made solely for the use of this page
Not to be used in whole or in part
for any other purposes.