How to apply a calling card or banner to
your Email page or a guestbook.

I personally think that putting calling cards or banners is
a very nice touch when added to a guestbook or your Email page. They
can be made in so many ways, yours being
unique to just you. So here is how to add
your calling card or banner to a guestbook or Email page.

The following tags work for your email page
as well. Just put the codes in your
where you wish the calling card to
appear on the page.

When filling out a guestbook, after
you have filled in all the information
the form ask for, you now are at the part
on the form where it asks for a personal
message or comments.

1. You will start by putting the opening
html tag the VERY first thing. (html)
I am using the ( ) for demonstration, you
will use the sideway v(next to the letter
M on your keyboard) to begin and the sideway
v(next to the ? mark) to close.

2. Write what you wish to say.

3. When you have written all you wish to say
and are ready to put your calling card on,
use this code (img src="addy of card")

4. If you wish to make your calling card a
clickable link use the following code

(a href="addy you want to link to")
(img src="calling card addy")(/a)

5. You may align your card left, right,or
center. Web always defaults to the left so
if you want it on the left hand side no align
tag is necessary. To align it to the center
add (center) at the beginning of your code.
(img src="calling card addy")

To align to the right use the following.
(img src="addy of calling card"
6. Now that you are done you must close your
html tag. (/html)

7. Hit the send button and your message and
calling card will now be on the guestbook.

I have found that most all guestbooks
support html. There are a few that don't but
they usually say so somewhere on the sign
in page.

Good luck and I hope to see many lovely
calling cards posted.

NOTE: Some file managers and servers will not allow linking to
images make sure the addy you link to supports this feature.

If you have any problems please contact the WebTv Help Center at:

Hotline Help

There is a form there to better serve you.
Good Luck and have fun!!!

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Page Last Updated July 16, 2003
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