Next hold down the CMD key while pressing
the letter C. If you have your volume up you
will hear a short tone. Now you have copied.
After you have done this the highlighting
will disappear. Do not worry you have
already copied the text. Easy right.
Go to the place you wish to paste what you
have copied. Place your cursor on the page
where you wish the copied material to appear
and hold down the CMD key while pressing the
letter V. This will PASTE what you copied
on to the page. See I told you it was easy.
Unfortunately, there are times when,
our cursor is not always visible.
Like when you are reading your email or
when you're on someones home page.
In that case you must do the following.
Press the FIND key. A screen will come up
that says FIND WORD. Just type in the first
word or words you wish to COPY and they will
become highlighted. Then all you have to do
is use your ARROW keys to COPY all you wish.
If the word you type in is on the page more
than once the web will highlight the word
where it appears first. Lets say you want to
COPY something you received in your email and
in the subject line it said COME SEE ME.
Also the first line of what you want to copy
says the same thing. Hold down the CMD key
while pressing the letter G. This will move
the highlight to the next place on the page
where COME SEE ME appears. You can use CMD G
as many times as you need to, to highlight
the word or phrase where you wish to start
copying. When you have the right one follow
previous steps.
If all this seems complicated you only need
to remember.
1. CMD C= copy
2. CMD V= paste
3. CMD G= moves highlight to
where you need it.
I started out by practicing on my email
page. Copy something from a mail you have
received. Then go to write and paste it on a
letter to yourself.
Now you are a pro. CC&P is really a MUST for
you if you begin to make a homepage. It is
nice to use on your Email when there is a ton
of forward addys.
I hope this has got you started CC&Pasting.
There is a form there to better serve you. Good Luck and have fun!!!
Page Last Updated July 16, 2003
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