1. First you will have to put Ronnie's Webtv Quick Find on one of you f-keys (on the keyboard top row).
2. Go to the page with the image you want to transload (copy) on it.
3. While on the page with your image, click on the f-key with Ronnie's page on it.
4. Scroll down a little ways (just under the poll Ronnie is taking) and click on the button that
says "image URL'S" or "Image and Link URL'S".
You have three choices.
4a. The url of the page your image is on should appear in the box under the button. If it is not there reload .(hold down command and hit the letter r 5 times).
5. On two of the button choices you will see pictures of all of the images on the page you are copying your image from.
5a. One will not show the image, just the file name (you may have to click a few to find the one you are looking for...you will see what I mean). 5c. Click on the image you want to copy.
6. Now you should have a black screen with nothing on it but the image you are going to copy. (if you get the same image but not on a black screen, just click on the image again.) If you have a TRANSLOADER on a f-key just hit the f-key and the url of your image will be on the page, ready to copy. All you have to do is fill out the form.
6a. If you don't have a translator on an f-key... when you have the image alone on the black screen... click on "info" on the top row of your keyboard and you will see the url of the image..... it must end in .gif or .jpg (it will if you do it right) ...just copy the url and put it in the space for image to be transloaded at the transloader. That's it! (You can use any name you want for the image when you transload it long as it ends in the same .gif or jpg. as the original)
For more information go to: WebTv Help Center Transloader Tutorial
There is a form there to better serve you. Good Luck and have fun!!!