A marquee is line of text that scrolls across your page. It is one of the easiest webtv tricks. All you have to do is add the marquee tag
before and after the words you want to scroll.
Here is an example. Remember to use the greater than and less than signs > and inplace of the ( and ) in the example.
(marquee)WELCOME TO MY WEBPAGE!(/marquee)
Note for Computer Users:
If you are using Netscape Browser
you will not see the scrolling text
Internet Explorer Works !!
That's all it takes and the words WELCOME TO MY WEBPAGE! will scroll across your page from right to left like this:
If you would like the scrolling text to be in a different color you will need to add a tag to change the color. Here is the code for a scrolling blue text. You may use any color you wish by putting in the code for the color you want.
(font size="2" color="3333ff")(marquee)WELCOME TO MY WEBPAGE!(/marquee)(/font) (p) This is the result:
That's all there is to it. You can put the scrolling text anywhere you want it.
There is a form there to better serve you. Good Luck and have fun!!!