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April 17, 2003

Printer Help

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Before buying any printer for your WebTv or MsnTv unit, please consult the updated information above and the links below.

Printers are not included when you buy a WEBTV unit,and you must choose your printer from three brands,Hewlett-Packard, Epson or Canon.

This tutorial also includes information for the original Classic unit,the 1999 updated Classic unit and the WEBTV Plus unit.

A printer cable adapter is required ONLY for the original Classic unit. Please refer to the instruction manual received with your WebTv Unit

Supported printers are listed here, but also refer to the on-screen instructions for the very latest information.

HEWLETT-PACKARD: HP 400, HP 600,HP660C,HP 670C,HP680C, and HP 690C

CANON: BJC210, BJC240, BJC250, BJC4100, BJC4200, BJC4300, BJC4550,

BJC610, BJC620, and BJC-80

EPSON: Please check with the manufacturer for the correct model numbers.

You do not need to use the software disks that came with your printer. The only software needed to print from your Internet TV Terminal is provided by the WebTv Service.

Connecting a printer to your Internet TV Terminal allows you to print what you see on the screen, including e-mail messages and Web pages.

Turn off and unplug the Internet Terminal from the electrical power source.

Connect one end of the Parallel Printer Cable to the printer port connector on the back of the Internet TV Terminal. ( If using the original Classic unit, plug this end into the Printer Adaptor that you have attached to the terminal)

Connect the other end of the Parallel Printer Cable to the connector on your printer.

To print a Web page or an e-mail message,press OPTIONS on your remote control or keyboard.The Options panel slides on-screen,with Print already highlighted.

Press Go on your remote control or Return on the keyboard,and then select Print. You can also select Print Screen which prints the entire image on your TV screen,or select Printing Options to customize the printed output.

~IMPORTANT-PLEASE READ~ During the past year there have been other printers that may have been released for use with Web Tv. I have not seen or used these printers. So, before you buy, please consult the Web Tv Help Section on your Web Tv unit for the latest compatible printers.

CAUTION: Some of the latest printer models may not work with the original Classic WebTv unit. Please check with the manufacturer of the printer that you are considering.

Jerrye Franks-Smith
March 28, 2003
Reference: Phillips Magnavox Owner's Manual 1999

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If you have any problems please contact the WebTv Help Center at:

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Good Luck and have fun!!!

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