You can e-mail nifty Web pages to your friends with the Send option of your WebTv. Actually,the page itself doesn't get sent anywhere,but its URL does in hyperlink form. The address can simply be highlighted and selected by other WebTv users to visit the page. It is really better than sending the actual page, which would clog up the recipient's mailbox.
You can use Send to deliver an e-mail page link to any electronic address, even if it's outside WebTv. The result is the same: A selectable URL is placed in the recipient's mailbox with your return address. Most computer folks use e-mail programs that recognize Web links,and they can click these links to visit the pageyou want to show them. Even if a user's e-mail does not display the URL as a link, he or she can copy the address and visit the Web site that you suggest.
Using either your remote control or your keyboard,open the page you want to send,then press the OPTIONS button.
Highlight the SEND option and press the GO/RETURN button or key.
In the text box labeled TO, type the e-mail address of the person to
whom you wish to send the page. Highlight EDIT MESSAGE then add
your message.
Highlight the SEND PAGE command and press the GO/RETURN button.
The page link will appear when the recipient opens the e-mail message.
Please go to your on-line help for WebTv if you have questions.
Jerrye Franks-Smith
Reference : Phillips Magnavox 1998
WebTv for Dummies,page 51,1998
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