Did you ever want to change the size of am image you are using on your page? Maybe you have a beautiful image of a rose and you would love to use it in between the paragraphs of a poem but it's twice the size that would look good. What can you do? You can change the width and height attributes of your image....thus making it wider, or narrower or taller or shorter.

Another great reason for using the width and height attributes on you images is because it makes your images load much faster. I use these tags on all of my images.

First you need to find out the size of your image. There are various places you can have your image sized. I use RONNIE'S WEBTV QUICK FIND. I have it on one of my F-keys. All I have to do is bring up the image alone on a page and hit my F-key for Ronnie's, scroll down to where the image appears and click on width and height button and it gives me the size of my image.

If you don't have room for Ronnies on your F-keys just go to the page with just your image on it and type in Ronnie's URL:

into your go to window. Then scroll down until you come to your image and click the button for the size attributes.

Once you have the size here is how to put the tag in your html. Here is the code for a little angel with a rose....full size.

(img src="" width=156 height=200)

Here is the image you get.

Now maybe this image is too big for what you want. You can make it what ever size you want by experimenting with the height and width tags. Here is the Angel 1/2 as large. All I do is change the size by dividing in half:

(img src="" width=78 height=100)

Here is the result:

Thats all there is to it. Just remember to always place the height and width tags between the " and the > after the .gif or .jpg. Also remember to replace the ( and ) with the greater than and less > than signs.

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