NDSS Convention At Washington DC, July 28th, Award Dinner night. I thought this was my best performance as my Clarinet teacher Mrs. Kathleen Freer from Syracuse, New York came to do couple of duets with me and also accompanied me on piano for couple of clarinet pieces. Kathleen Boylan traveled from Virginia to accompany me on piano. We three made a good team. July 29th, Closing Ceremony performance with Mrs. Boylan & Mrs. Freer's was great. After the performance I had chance to meet many of my old and new friends. I would like to thank everyone at NDSS, especially Andrea Lack who was very supportive and helpful in arranging my performance.

With my friends, Sara Greenberg on left and Mia Peterson on right at the conference

My clarinet teacher Mrs. Freer and on piano Mrs. Boylan

With my friend Chris Burke and NDSS president Mrs. Arden Moulton