Sujeet S. Desai
" Ganesh Krupa"
878 State Rte. 49, P O Box 509
Cleveland, NY 13042
315- 675-3062,

Birth Date:


Achievements / Awards :

I was born with DOWN SYNDROME. Therefore I learn things slowly. I have worked very hard for so many years to learn what I love to do to overcome limitations of my disability. I would like to be a musician but my MISSION is more than that. People say that I have been a role model to young children around the world with disabilities, especially those born with Down syndrome either through my web page or music performances and workshops that I do with my mother to share my story. I like to make my presentations especially at conference like events more than just an entertainment but educational as well as inspirational. So it can be an upbeat on disability issues and continue to bring hopes to individuals with disabilities, their parents, families, educators and services that work with them. My goal is continue to work to make my MISSION POSSIBLE ! .