Healing emotional pain
A primary cause of suffering is the inability to forgive and to love ourselves, we draw experiences to ourselves in an effort at redemption. A Most important lesson of Karma /life is that punishment is not essential or needed at all, it is harmful to self. Judge not applies to self. IT IS NOT NECESSARY TO BE PUNISHED OR TO PUNISH YOURSELF. .
We can choose to expiate negative Karma by making positive causes for ourselves andjust by being kind and loving and working playing at becoming wise .
It is important to recognize our feelings about our painful experiences, it is even more important to FEEL our feelings, much ongoing pain is because we have attempted not to feel the pain and anger. When we have felt the pain, the anger, the hurt, perhaps the pride in our differentness and suffering that we can let it go. LET IT GO. Feel it and release it and move on . Talk to yourself as you were at the time the pain occurred and let yourself know that you have survived, bring yourself forward to be whole and healed.
When you forgive you are not required to block your memories and pretend that the injuries never happened. What the act of forgiving and releasing within yourself does is to dissolve the cords that keep you in that energy of suffering, hooked to the past and dragging it along with you.
However deeply a person has buried the diamond light of divinity in mud it is within them as it is within you and to recognize that light within yourself and within those who have hurt you is to free yourself from the need to repeat this experience. The only genuine and beneficial revenge is in becoming truly happy.
If you cannot forgive that is fine can you work at wanting to forgive and in that I do not mean making it O.K.but making it have no energy in your life and not being an issue to you anymore.
Become alive and glorious and full of joy in the life that you have now. whatever has happened in the past you have survived you have triumphed in that you are Alive and Free now .
When you recall a moment of pain from the past mentally return in your Present body to that moment and tell the person that you were then that you have survived .and that it is time for that part of you to come forward into the present and rejoin the whole see your current world from that persons viewpoint and realize what wonders you have now.
When you have released the energies that hold you in the pain you will be free of that relationship. and filled with compassion for those people who have not yet found peace.
I do not mean to say that you must Forgive and love unconditionally those who have hurt and harmed you . it would be nice if we could acknowledge that deep inside they may have the potential for enlightenment even if we can not see it.
What I am saying is that any wound that is being continually reopened and picked on will not heal and will become putrid and infected. You owe it to yourself to work on healing your wounds. A spiritual gangrene of the heart will destroy you as effectively as gangrene of the body destroys the flesh. This does apply to these emotional abuse wounds as well as to all others.
Unconditional Love starts with loving the self. Happiness begins with appreciation I mean appreciating what you have and know now. Looking for the joy of the moments passing now reaching out for moments of joy and pleasure.As long as you are alive life can get better but you have to make that happen by your own energy. AS long as we define ourselves in terms of our past suffering we remain in pain in the present.
One of the things I have learned is that there is always someone who's life makes your hard times look like heaven . And that there are always ways to find the joy and exactas in the mere fact of being alive if you look for it. That life all life any life is precious and beautiful and yes we chose the life we have tortured, abused, starved ,neglected ,whatever, as preferable to not having a life and body at all .
We are here because we wanted to be. We won the spiritual lottery in order to get here now and take part in these glorious times of transformation we incarnate beings are the few the proud the lucky,whatever the outward appearance of our lives may be . and whatever the past pain we need to get on with our own lives now.
I am responsible for creating my own happiness Whatever has happened to me in the past I am in charge of how I live and feel Now.
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