If Laney could tell you herself, she would want to share some of her "favorites", so I'll have to help her for now: She was born into the "Raggedy Family"....she loves her Raggedy Ann and Andy that belonged to her Mommy when she was a little girl..they are so BIG and cuddly! Delaney is so blessed to have parents who READ, so she knew books even before she was born....and she loves music and hats..hats and more hats! She has a way of trying on hats in the store and showing her Mommy how adorable she looks in them, so Mommy HAS to buy one! You go girl!! She likes overalls and dresses wtih bows.. and her psycho-cat...she adores Chicago even though he manages to escape her clutches most of the time. Ice Cream...her Daddy says Mint Chip is her favorite ! (of course, she's in "our" family) and Cool Whip...and Bean Burritos (that's a new one!)
Laney has learned to wave "hi and bye-bye" and to patty-cake, and crawl...and she is beginning to cruise furniture! Just the other day, she learned to boogie in her crib!! She must wake up each morning eager to see what's new that world holds for her! In the eyes of her Granma and Granpa...this little angel of our's causes the sun to rise...and I'm positive she "hung the moon"!