Chase's Room

"You don't raise heros, you raise sons ~ and if you treat them like sons, they'll turn out to be heros, even if it's just in your own eyes"

From Mister Rogers and Big Legos and Little People...Green Eggs and Ham to A Wrinkle in Time....from Pooh to Matchbox Cars, Super Heros and Star Wars, he collected stuffed animals and baseball cards ~

MY little "hero" had an imagination that never slept! In one day, he could be a cowboy, and indian, the Incredible Hulk, Mr. Gadget, a song-writer and singer, the world's finest athlete, artist, writer, poet,

"It was a snowy day, I saw the snow today, It was fun to jump and run, it was a snowy day."

a great reader, best-friend to his imaginary "boy" and a cuddly little guy who would fall asleep at the dinner table or in a shopping cart, or on his window sill, or while Dorothy was skipping down the Yellow Brick Road..... or during the fiercest moment of BattleStar Galactica ~ but never during a Dallas game!

This son of mine stole the hearts of family, friends, and even strangers with his bluest of blue eyes, and infectious laugh ~ Chase has always been one to lift our spirits when they might be low, to say he was "ok" even if he might not be, so we wouldn't worry, he doesn't complain and he is kind to everyone (as long as they aren't trying to steal home or take the ball away from him!!) He's respected by his good friends and he's been a friend to those who had no friends ~ He is THE hero in our eyes ~

Chase tore up and down the neighborhood on his Bat-Cycle, and later, his Green Machine.. He played soccer, T-Ball, baseball, basketball, gymnastics, track and field, football (I hated it)...he swam...he wore a blue flannel blanket for his "cape"....he wrestled and he scrapped...he jumped higher and he ran faster with each new pair of shoes!

I remember one night, our car died, and Chase and I had to walk home in the dark (we both hated the dark!!) and to make us feel braver, he said, with great certainty and boldness, "Mommy, aren't you glad I'm a Super Hero so we don't have to be afraid?" My little "super hero" had realized his true identity!!

"A little boy is the only thing God can use to make a man"

As hard as it is to believe, my little boy has become a man ~ and he is STILL in the business of stealing hearts...but recently, he has given HIS heart his baby girls who adore him so! ~ I'll just show you a glimpse of his life now ~

Meet Chase, Jennifer, and Delaney ~ (Brand-new Madeleine's picture, still to come!!)

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