Donia's Room

She entered this world as a soft, welcome, breeze...being third in line, she slid into our family, almost unnoticed. She demanded little from us, just plenty of warm snuggles and a bottle every three hours.

Her name is Donia Jo...after her uncles, Don and Joe! Since she believes, like her mama, that "all little girls are princesses", she often refers to herself as "Donia Jo McMaster DJ Princess"! I call her Jolene. She was born in July and had she been born on the 4th, her name would have been "Bonny Blue"...really. Maybe that's why she has a tender spot for the Star Spangled 4th celebrations.

I can't find WHERE, but I've always thought the Bible says "Blessed is a child who is called by many names". If I find it, I'll print it! Whatever she is called, she is still our little happy-go-lucky, sometimes rough 'n tumble, "tomboy" charmer! If her brother is a "super hero"and her sis looks at the world through "rose colored glasses", then DJ is the one who "stops to smell the flowers" Literally.

In the days when little girls are "supposed to" wear dresses, Jolene insisted on overalls...and when given the choice of preschool or dance lessons, she would come up with "tumbling or soccer". She DID attend preschool, had a little boyfriend named Luke, and another named Blue...hmmm...short-lived history as each noontime when I would get there to bring her home, she cried "I don't want to go to school, I want to do tumbling!" So, tumble she did. And she played soccer, and softball, and she was the bat-girl for her brother's team...she went goo-goo over Mark Maguire and Jose, what's his name?

Donia Jo has been our bright ray of sunshine ~ always ready to give a hug, or leave a childish "love note" on our pillows...she makes the most colorful artwork, and then she colors it has to be brilliant or it's ripped up and no one can see it!

She used to say when she grew up she wanted to be "tree", a Sunday school teacher, and a missionary...

She loves her dolls as much as balls and bats, her pound puppy as much as her baseball cards, she loves to tell her "frayed knot" joke over and over and over...and her piles of stuffed animals accompany her on EVERY trip, as well as pillows and blankets.

She can never do without her treaures! She collects rocks and marbles and seashells and procelain dolls and Precious Moments....and angels and she thinks Elvis is, was and ever will be, the King! She fishes, and she shoots pool ~ She's an "emotional girl" who can be easily hurt, but is quick to forgive. She drools over Ford Mustangs, vowing to have one some day...and I'm sure she will...if she sticks out her bottom lip often enough!

My "baby" has grown to quickly and she still wears overalls, but loves to dress up too! She has traded her pink "chucks" for wedding "sketchers", but her personality is the same. Just look at her now!

~ This is Donia and Chris ~

~ Click on the Mustang and it will take you home ~